Ch.25: To Be Or Not To Be...

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"Have you thought of the future?" I ask Luke as we lay on the blanket looking up at the dark blue sky of New York.

"Yeah a couple of times." He shrugs taking my hand in his and kissing my knuckles softly.

"Where do you see us in...I don't know two years?" I asked softly rubbing his knuckles, he looked over at me and smiled.

"I see me with you, and I mean it." He answers, while turning to face me. He lays his hands on the sides of my cheeks and rest his thumbs on my cheekbones, "You are my Juliet." 

I smile at this, he knows that my dream role list was a long one, but Juliet seemed to always be at the top. I was younger when I first saw Romeo & Juliet take place and now I was seeing it all flash through my mind witht hat refrence. That was the play that seemed to lure me towards him, I don't think I ever knew why...I guess it was because I saw a different side and new prospective of Luke.

"And you are my Romeo." I saw as I cup his cheek. We had sat up now and were facing each other now, his eyes filled over with passion and he leant down to peck my lips.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; doubt that the sun doth move; doubt truth to be a liar; but never doubt I love." He whispered to me as his nose brushed mine. I smiled and he took me into his arms. 

"Get thee to a nunnery." I say as I push him away with a smile.

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