Ch.16: Is That A Newsies FanFiction?

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***A Week Later***


"You did this."

"You ruined him." 

"You ruin everything."

"Your worthless, he didn't want you anyways."

"They don't want you."

I held the blade between my fingers, standing center stage. The house lights were off and the stage light shrown brightly onto the barren a stage. It was just me, on the stage for maybe the last time in my life. I looked into the black audience and stared at the darkness that cascaded over the seats. Darkness.

"You know, I knew someday I'd end up doing this. I'd end up on a stage, and I'd die on one. Death. It's like sleep but holds no dreams...Just endless nightmares. But it is a way to dream I suppose." I looked at the blade and then down at my left wrist. 

"Why not just end it? Why not just dream?" I say to the audience before raising the blade to my wrist, and I almost did it but i brought it away.

"Who would care if I did this. Abby? No she's never even around anymore, she won't care. Luke? Well maybe, but then he will go back home and be reunited with Hannah and they will become best friends again and then become more and he'll pop the question and I will have to sit through the wedding with a fake smile on my face."

"Wait, what about Corey...He would care...right? No he wouldn't! Who would care for some Anorexic girl like me! But, Ben. Maybe he would care, and O2L they would care, right? And I sure as heck know that Adam wouldn't care, he doesn't even trust me. But the rest of the Newsies...They care...They care....Right? RIGHT!?" I scream out into the crowd switching back and fourth, fighting with myself. I calmed down before raising the blade to my wrist.

"So, one last death for me to do. One last performance on this stage...One last big exit to pull it off. To end the story of my life. Goodbye." I brought the blade to my wrist and right at I felt the sting of the cut and the red liquid start to pour someone came and ruined everything.

"Stop, Corbet stop!" Luke cried as he ran down one of the isle, my head snapped up the the friend of mine. I kept the blade pressed to my wrist and the blood continued to flow. I kept my eyes on him and watched him walk up the steps slowly, being very cautious as if I were a time bomb...Which I guess you could say I was.

"Give me the blade." He asked and I just shook my hand ripping it away from the cut and dropping my arm which caused the blood to come out more frequently. Luke looked down at the blood that started to drip into a puddle beside my feet.

"Give me the blade...Give me the pain...Just listen to." Luke says creeping up to me and reaching for my blade. Tears spilled out of my eyes and I dropped the blade and he ran and kicked it away from me. He took my hands and looked at the deep cut.

"We need to get you to the hospital." He said and started dragging me but I didn't want to, i didn;t want to be bothered with life. 

"Come on." He said pulling my uninjured arm, I tore it away from his grasp and he looked at me before huffing.

"You were always studdorn." He muttered before swweping my legs from under me and picking up my body in his arms. I let him but only because the lose of blood was begining to get to my head.

"Hey, hey. Don't close your eyes, keep them on me." He said as he looked down at me while he started running to the street. I nodded and groggily tried to keep my eyes open but the darkness was consuming my every being as the New York ligths became blurred.

"Luke. I want to sleep." I mummer as we ride in the cab to the closes hospital.

"I know, I know but you can't give up on me. Come on Corbet Jane Palace you can't give up on me." He says moving the hair out of my eyes. The old blood was drying but new blood was gushing out quickly.

"Okay, I won't." I say as my eyes drop.

"No, hey. Hey, look. Look at my big brown eyes and sing me something. Sing what you sang at that talent show at SYAA that we had before I left." He says as he rubs my leg.

"Fade in on a girl, with a hunger for fame. And a face and a name to remember. Her past fades away, because as of this day, Norma Jean's gone. She's moving on..." I sang softly watching looks eyes look at me with worry.

"Her smile and your fantasies play a duet, that will make you forget where you are. The music starts playing, It's the beat of her heart saying......Let me be your star." I breathed out the last note before somone in the front says we are here and Luke pays before taking me and carrying me into the ER.

"Hi, her name is Corbet Palace and she attempted suicide." Luke said and the ladies eyes went wide and then looked down at my body in his arms and then to the bloody wrist that was bleeding on my quarter sleeved, cream shirt. One of my favorites. With its Peter Pan collar and the lace ruffles at the end of the sleeve.

"Um, can you bring her to a wheel chair for me?" The lady ask as she pointed to the open chair, Luke nodded and softly put me into the wheel chair. My eyes started shutting again but Luke caught me.

"Corbet, look at me. Tell me that you are going to be okay." Luke said as he kneeled in front of me.

"I'm going to be okay." I say softly as he smiles and pecks my forehead before the lady quickly wheeled me down the halls. I was pushed into a room and then they started to clean the cut.

I whimpered at the needle and stitches. They gave me a cloth to bite on becasue we couldn't use numbing shots. I bit hard into the cloth and screamed in pain as they started weaving the needle through my skin, time after time. 

"That's got your eyes open now, doesn't it?" The evil nurse asked as the finished the stitches and walked out of the room. I scowled at the door and then down to my favorite shirt that now had a large dark red stain on it. I huffed and then oulled my phone out and saw the many missed calls from Luke. That's why he came. I wouldn't answer. 

Luke walked into the room slowly and came over.

"Hey." He mumbles, sitting in the car that is across from my seat on the bed. He looked at my shirt and then back at me.

"Do you want me shirt?" He ask and even before I could protest he took off his shirt and tossed it to me. I gave him a bewildered look.

"Corebt, you've gotten me to help you into a dress before. You had to pull my shirt off  in Romeo & Juliet. Just put the shirt on. I sighed as he pulled an extra shirt from his bag he had with him. I unbuttoned the top buttons that went down my....breast. I then took the shirt off and quickly put Luke's green v-neck and laid my shirt down.

 "I called the boys and Abby and they are on there way." He says as he sits back down. I nodded and looked down at my phone, I started reading a Newsies fanfiction....Hey don't judge this one is actually pretty good. It's a sequel to the first one but it's about this girl named Anastasia and these three other girls and she's like in love with Spot, but she also really like's Jack and Jack likes her....or that's I think it is...I am re-reading it cause the girl hasn't updated in a while. 

"Hey you okay?" Someone says as they walk in. I looked up quickly.

"Hu-...Oh hey Corey. Yeah I guess." I say as I nod my head.

"Hey Luke, can you give us a minute." He said more in a command way than in an askign way.

"Yeah sure." He says and get's up to see the other Newsies and O2L members in the hallway all looking through the glass window that the nurses were using to "watch" me. 

"I know your not- is that a Newsies fanfiction?" He asked while stopping he other question.


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