Ch.8: Show Us What You Got

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I wake up with a jolt as I feel someone shaking me and calling my name.

"Corbet, are you okay?" Ben asked me as concern laced his features. He was sitting on the edge of my bed and holding my shoulders; I looked around me and saw the guest room i would be staying in for the next month or two.

"Yeah, just a nightmare." I say shakily as i check the time. It was about 6:30 and usually the time I would have the nightmare, or someone would come and wake me up. I slowly got out of bed and looked at Ben closely.

"What time do we need to be at the theatre?" I asked as I went to the closet and pulled out my rehearsal clothes. He looked at the time and then back to me.

"I'd say about eight or nine." He said as I turned the lights on, a warm glow now filling the room, "You can go back to sleep, i'll wake you back up." He said once I had pulled out my jazz and tap shoes with my tights, knee pads, shorts, and leotard; i place them in my bag with an extra set of clothes and look up at him.

"I want to go now if that's okay." i say as I grab my make up box I had packed the night before and placed it beside the bag on the bed. He was surprised but nodded.

"Yeah, just let me get my stuff together and text Corey and we can both meet up for breakfast." I grimaced at the thought of actually food and walked to the closet brushing it off.

"Okay. I'm going to change and make the bed and to all that kinda jazz." I say before he nodded and left the room to go off to his own room. i decided on a navy jacket that had fur on the inside with a red and navy flannel with my jeans and my new UGGS from Jenn. I should really text them today, I texted them in the car yesterday, and they where all happy for Abby and I.

I didn't bother to put on make up because apparently I have really good complexion and everyone's jealous of my skin. I grabbed my bags and went to the bathroom and did everything in there. i left the bathroom and walked quietly down the halls, until i made it to the music room. I walked in and closed the doors and sat at the piano and thought for a minute. What to play? What to play?


I know.

I started playing the opening to play "Kiss The Air". I always loved this song and it is a guy song so it is low and it helps me warm up my voice because it progresses.


If I stay with you 

I would live a lie,  

For you deserve a love 

This heart cannot provide. 

So I wish you well,  

And be on my way.

I'm not the one who could 

Give you what you need,  

So I bid you farewell,  

But don't you dare watch me leave.

I didn't mean to 

Hurt you this way,  

But I'm not what you need,  

So I guess I'll just be on my way.

One day you'll wake up,  

And thank me for what I did 

When you're living your happy life 

Behind your white fence,  

New husband, and kids.


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