Ch.4: Oh My God...

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"I am exhausted." I say as I rest my head on my twins shoulder as we walked. He gave mea quick side hug before he saw a group of four boys. I got on my tip toes and looked over at the group of boys.

"KIAN!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled as I shoved my backpack into my brothers arms and ran up to the boy who had looked up at me as I ran towards him. He smiled as I jumped into his arms and hugged his neck. I let go and then looked over at Ricky and JC, I ran over and hooked both of their neck and kissed their cheeks. And then I saw him.

"Connor." I breathed out. He was one of the boys who I had grown very close too, other than Trevor. We connected, the minute I heard his laugh, saw his smile, looked into those eyes. Those eyes that burned into mine.

He had moved a little away from me, talking to my brother who was about thirteen feet away from me.

"Connor." I said his name just loud enough for him to hear me. His eyes looked up to me, and soon we where walking towards each other. My walked turned into a gentle spirent and I was in his arms. At last, finally. He laughed as I smiled into his neck, we pulled away from each other and looked into each others green eyes.

"Have a nice flight?" He questioned as we entwined fingers. We aren't just friends, we're best friends. We had grown pretty close over the couple weeks after the Skype call; sending text, FaceTime, calls at three a.m., staying up on Skype till we fall asleep.

"Yeah, I'm just exhausted." I say as we he takes my luggage from my hand and we walk to the pet pick up. I hope my little babies are okay and not all jumpy and depressed. I run up to their cages and pick them up with ease.

"Oh babies, are you okay, did you miss mommy? Oh I know you did, don't worry you'll be able to leave those cages in a little bit." I say as we walk. Everyone just kinda looked at me like a freak, then I remembered I have to vlog.

"Connor, get my camera out of my backpack." I ask kindly as we got outside. He nodded and I stood still as he looked through my backpack.

"Here ya go." He said as he handed me the camera. I took it and started it up, I made sure that I had it set so you could see my face and I started vlogging.

"So hey guys, I just got to Cali and it is so cool. We just left the airport and we're heading to the car that I got shipped here. Wait where's Easton? Oh I see him!" I stop the vlog and we walk over to my Mustang. I laughed at the for boys faces as they look at the sports car.

"What you've never seen a Mustang?" I questioned with a smirk. They all straightened up as I put my luggage in the truck.

"No it's just we didn't expect for you to drive a Mustang." Kian said as he rubbed his neck. I smirked as I sat in the drivers seat. The boys piled in the back except for Connor who sat in the front to give me directions. Kian was in Ricky's lap and JC and John where squished together.

"Hey John , I'm JC this is a great way to get to know you." He says shaking my brothers hand.

"Please, call me John John." My brother said as I started driving.

"Turn on some music, girl!" Shouted Ricky as we pulled up to a stop light. I laughed as I plugged in my phone and turned on my music.

"HOW TO BE A HEARTBREAKER! BOYS THEY LIKE A LITTLE DANGER!" I sing/yell and I put on my sunglasses. They all laugh as I pull up into a neighborhood that Connor had pointed out to me, I turned into a spot that Connor told me to pull into parking space.

"We we're here!" I say as I get out of the car.

{}{}{}Connor's P.O.V{}{}{}

I grabbed Tinkerbell's and Loki's cages and brought them into the house along with Corbet's luggage. I'm a nice friend, but she owes me. I'll make her make me food.

"Thanks Con." She tells me as she kisses my cheek, I smile as I feel heat rush onto my cheeks. She ran up the stairs with her luggage as I trailed behind her with the cat cages. JC was showing her where her room was going to be for the next couple of months, yeah that's along time but whatever I've stayed with people longer than that. JC showed her the room that was beside her brother's and right across from mine. She walked into the room and sat her things down before pulling out hangers and opening her suitcase.

"Where would you like for me to put Tinkerbell and Loki?" She seemed startled by my presence being known. I smirked as she put down the shirt and the hanger, walking over and taking the cages from me.

"I'll just put them over here." She said as she walked over to a corner by the desk that had a place for her Apple Laptop. She smiled as she let them out and sat down in front of the cages. They walked into her lap, being unfamiliar with their surrondings.

"May I?" I asked as I step in and sat next to her. She nodded as I took Tinkerbell into my lap, the small kitty purred as she nuzzled her head into my chest. I laughed as she sat her paw onto my chest, causing Corbet to look over.

"Do you wanna go for a run in a little bit?" She asked as she got up and let me play with Loki. I smiled up at her and nodded.

"Yeah sure, I haven't gone for my run today." I commented as I let the cats roam around the house freely, "Need help?" I asked the damsel in distress as she pulled out a huge stack of clothes.

"Yeah sure one sec." She said as I took her backpack and turned around towards the desk to start setting up her areas. I set her Apple Laptop in the center, carefully plugging in the charger to an outlet behind the desk. Then I sat her Canon dslr camera next to the laptop. I told her that she could use my lenses and mic and lights when she was here because we film on separate days.

"Hey can you come help me with my clothes?" I looked over and saw her putting a black and gold dress on a hanger.

"Yeah sure."

"Okay now, Mr. Franta. I am very specific as to how I hang up my clothes. They have to be in the order of the rainbow because I'm just like that." I nodded as she handed me a set of turquoise and maroon velvet hangers. I took a shirt that was clearly NIKE workout shirt.

"What about workout clothes?" I asked, she looked over at me and showed me to her closet which she had already set up small, maroon box on the side in the shoe holder.

"See these?" She asked as she pointed the boxes with different labels like:

bathing suits

workout shirts

workout short/pants



You get the idea. Well she pointed to the box that said workout shirts. I smiled as she walked back over to her suitcase. I did the same after throwing the shirt into the box.

"Very organized, I can see." I say as I take some beanies and throw them into the beanie box. She chuckled as she walked to the closet and place the clothes in and order of pink, red, maroon, orange, yellow, light green. green, dark green, turquoise, light blue, blue, dark blue, light purple, purple, and dark purple. Then she put white, cream, gray, black, and floral. I placed the maroon shirt by the maroon dress she had hung up. She followed me with a set of turquoise dresses, shirts, skirts, and jeans.

"You really like the color turquoise." I comment as i hang up a floral tank top.

"And maroon." She said as she some Nike pros into her workout short/pants box.

"Same here." I say as I hung up the last article of clothing.

"Thanks." She says as she starts putting shoes into the area under the clothes.

"Want help with the shoes?" I ask as I start to grab a pear of TOMS.

"No thanks. Just go get ready for a run." She said as she started to zip her suitcase. She came over and took the pair of TOMS from my hands, walking her way back to her closet.

"Okay. Don't die in your endless pit of clothes."

"Your the one talking Mr. LIKE MY SWEATER? IT'S NEW! And yes I watch O2L."

"Oh my God, that girl." Is all I think as I walk out of her room.

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