Ch.24: The Audition.

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 I stepped into the PaperMill after the boys, who declared that they all come back to PaperMill to see me do my first actually audition, watched me walk in. I had to explain to them that it was a closed audition, which they should have already known.

Silly, silly boys.


I should say boys and girls because Luke just had to tell the group of friends that had flown in and where all here. That mean that they all wanted to see me off to my first Off-Broadway audition. 

 I had finally found the song, with the help of Kara, Liana, and Lucy; along with a phone call to Abby, who was just so so so excited to hear about the auditon. The song we had stumbled upon was, "Just Around The Riverbend" from Pocahontas; we all agreed that it was a song that Laura would have loved to sing when she was a little girl on the prairie.

 "Name." The lady asked with a smile as I walked up to the desk.

"Corbet Palace." I say, returning the smile. She nodded and slipped through the papers; I patiently waited before she pulled out a paper for me.

"You did send us your resume, correct?" She asked, looking up through her glasses. I nodded quickly, and she handed my paper. I took it with a 'thank you' and went to sit in an empty seat; I decide to text Kara and tell her I was here.

C: Hey! I'm here!

K: Okay I'll be out in a second, I'm helping with cold reading!

C: Okay, take you time!

I waited a few minutes, my eyes searching the room for something to look at. They finally settled on my head shot, I smiled down as my own smile came back to meet mine. I looked through my resume and smiled again. I was so proud of all I had done in theatre and what all was about to come, and even if I don't get this part it will be okay because there is something waiting for me on some stage in this city.

"Corbet Palace." My head shot up to the call of my name, a young girl with brigth blue eyes and blonde hair. I stood up from the chair, holding the papers firmly in my hand; I held my head high and walked through the open door. I hand my resume and head shot to the group at the table and then walked to the piano in the corner. The man gave me a smile with bright eyes and I returned it. I handed him the sheet music and he nodded at it. I then returned to the center of the room.

"Hi, my name is Corebt Palace and I am auditioning for Laura Ingalls Wilder." One of the ladies at the table nodded and I looked at the piano player. 

"What I love most about rivers is, you can't step in the same river twice." 


"How did it go?" Kara asked after the cold reading section was done, I looked up with sad eyes. She quickly went to hug me but I jsut laughed at her.

"It went great! She asked me to sing the full song and I did good, if I do say so myself." I say before she hugged me in a death grip. I chuckled and then she let me out of her grasp. 

"Your going to nail the dancing parts." She exclaimed as she watched me leave the room. I laughed and smiled back at her before leaving the room. Time to dance.


"When do you get the callback?" Luke asked me as we walked down the sidewalks of Broadway. I smiled and looked up at him with a happy smile.

"Tonight!" I exclaim with a happy smile, he laughed at my scrunched up nose and bright face.

"Oh so you must have your phone on the highest sound setting right?" He questioned with a chuckle.

"You know me so well." And with thsoe words my phone went off, I looked up at Luke and he nudged my shoudler to answer it. I started at the unknown number and then quickly answered it.

"Hello? Yes , yes this is here. Oh, thank you! Thank you so, so much! Okay, goodbye!" I hung up and then looked over at Luke, his eyes full of hope for me and my future.

"I GOT THE CALLBACK!" I scream before his arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me up in his arms, soon I felt the wind in my hair and knew he was spinning me.

"I'm so proud of you!" 


"Like always." I say as I pull me head away from his neck and look into those dark, smooth chocolate eyes. They quickly looked to my lips and then back to my eyes, and before I knew it his smooth lips where on mine. I closed my eyes tight and lifted my legs a tad bit; I loved how his arms wrapped around my body and held me close, I love everything about him. I love how when he is standing he starts doing random tap steps, or how he seems to always have a smile on his face...Unless he is very, very concentrated. 

I felt a tap on my side, that was always our signal to pull away from our stage kiss. We slowly pulled our and I opened my eyes to see that his were still shut, i smiled and leaned my forehead against his and he smiled. We laughed to ourselves and for some reason I took his hand and started running.

"Where are we going?!" He laughed out and I turned back to him.

"The apartment. The guys are waiting for us!" I exclaim and he smiles before running to me and scooping me up in his arms.

"Ah, Luke!" I laugh as he runs down the sidewalk and into the apartment lobby. I expect him to finally put me down but he doesn't he just runs to the old staircase. 

"You are crazy." I say we finally make it to our door. I hear noise from the other side of the door and look at Luke as I hear a shatter.

"I don't want to see what's on the other side." He says as he sends me a worried look, but we end up laughing. "I have something to show you anyways." He tells me after I lean against the door frame.

"Lead the way mr." I say as he takes my hand and lead me to the end of the hallways. Outside of it is a fire escape and he goes out first, and then helping me through the window.

"what are you showing me?" i ask as we walk up the fire escape.

"You'll see." He says as we climb the ladder up to the roof. Once I get up over the side, with Luke's help, I see lights strung in lines across the floor and a blanket laying in the middle. He stands in front of the blanket holding his hand out for me to take. I blush as I start to walk over to him, stepping over the lights, I make my way towards the out stretched hand. He pulls me towards him and we stumble and fall onto the blanket. We both laugh at our clumbsie-ness.

"That went so mcuh better in my head." He chuckles out. I laugh out and flip over laying by his side. 

"Well, things don't always go as planned. I thought Adam and I were going to stay together forever, but then you came back and it was great."

"I love you so much." He spits out in a rush. I look over at him in awe. Did he really just say that?

"What?" I ask sitting up on my elbow.

"I love you." He slowly leans in and gently touches the back of my head so or lips come together. He tasted like the coffee we had just drank and I smiled as we kissed.

"I love you too."

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