Prologue: Wishing for a Family

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I stared at the brightly lit screen on the wall as I stood in the dimly lit laboratory. It displayed the world map of all of the different regions of the Pokemon World. I hadn't been out much, since there were hardly any missions given to me, so all I ever really saw of the world outside of the castle were images that I would see on the screen. Although, today wasn't one of those days where I was gazing at the screen for pleasure. Today, I was in here waiting for my father to come and give me a mission. A real mission where I would get to see the world. I was finally going to show him that I was like my brother and sister, a true member of Team Plasma.

My little brother and I had been abandoned as kids. Well, that wasn't exactly true. My little brother was supposed to be the only one who would be abandoned, but being my young naive self who cared a lot about my little brother I told my parents that if they leave him behind then they would have to do the same with me, so they did. They had no reason to leave me behind, so to this day I don't understand why they went through with such a horrible act, even towards my little brother. He was able to communicate with Pokemon, while I wasn't, but that's why he was abandoned. It was because of his abilities, and abilities like those weren't accepted in society. So, the only conclusion I have ever been able to come to is that they left me behind because I was accepting of his abilities.

Afterwards, we lived on our own for a short time until a man named Ghetsis came, and he claimed to be our father. N was convinced instantly, but I wasn't. N was so young, so it was understandable, but I wasn't as naive as him since I was only eight and N was five. I knew that Ghetsis could tell that I wasn't convinced, but I came along anyways since I was very protective of my brother. He was the only family I ever had. However, we were separated very quickly. I was instantly put into a training facility where I trained with my Pokemon vigorously everyday. Ghetsis even gave me a new name, Minoru. I was supposed to be his special trainer, but I knew that would change as soon as he took in a very young girl, Kamiko. She's now Team Plasma's ultimate trainer and she was manipulated from day one, just like N. Instead, unlike N who was manipulated by  being raised with abused Pokemon, she was raised in harsh conditions to be cold and heartless. I still cared about her anyways because I took pity on her. I took pity on both of them. They were raised inhumanely, and that was just evil. That's why I was happy when I found out that Ghetsis decided that I should be the Hero of Truth alongside N, who would become the Hero of Ideals.

"With your brother becoming the King of Team Plasma, he is destined to become the Hero of Ideals to show everyone his ideals. So I think you could be the counterpart to him, the Hero of Truth. However, you must prove to me that you are worthy, so that's why I will send you on a mission soon in order for you to prove to me that you are worthy."

Those words kept echoing inside my head ever since he told me that. If I could become the Hero of Truth, then I could show the world the truth behind my father's motives: world domination. After what he had done to N and Kamiko, I could set them free by doing this. However, I was a little torn  as well. I still considered Ghetsis my father, despite what he did and what he will do, so I considered him family. All I wanted was for a family that I could care about and love. That's what I was wishing for, and what I had been for a long time.

I sighed before I looked down at my Houndoom who was sitting next to me, flicking his tail out of impatience. Father was taking too long, and I knew that he was just testing my patience.

"Your patience exceeds my expectations as always, Minoru."

I turned to see father standing behind me with his Hydreigon.

"As it should be, but you've taken longer than usual. Was there a holdup?"

"No, not at all. I was just wanting to see if your patience would last. It helps in a battle."

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