Chapter 3: Being Reasonable

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Okay, so keep in mind, but this chapter takes place a month after the last one. ^.^


Troppy I stood outside the famous Silph Co. building in Saffron City, the heart of the Kanto region, while we waited for Steven. The two of us decided to split up when we arrived in the city, so while he went to the Silph Co. building I had gone to the fighting dojo, only to find that it was empty. I would've gone to the Gym instead, but it was closed for maintenance, so I ended up going to the Silph Co. building to wait for Steven.

I hadn't been waiting for long, and when he and his Skarmory exited the building I waved them over.

"How was the fighting dojo, Sapphire?" he asked as the two of them came up to us.

"It was empty, and the Gym was closed as well."

"So you've just been waiting out here for me? Well, you could've come inside if you wanted to."

I shook my head, "I didn't feel like it. I don't know why, but this building gives me the creeps."

Steven chuckled and said, "Well, maybe you had the right to if we were here over three years ago when it was taken over by Team Rocket."

"That true," I said as I looked up at the tall building, "But safe or not I don't like it. I guess...well, from what I know, there's the company that your father runs and this company, and I heard that they were power hungry in the past, which is why this place scars me. People who are power hungry or greedy or people like Team Rocket who use Pokemon for evil...they're all bad and I don't like them."

"So, are you saying that my father is a bad person?"

"I guess, but what I'm trying to say is that people who are like that are scary."

"I see. I have to agree with you on that though. My father wasn't kind to me much when I was a child."

"Yeah, I remember you telling me that. My father wasn't too kind to me either."

"At least he didn't lock you inside your own home."

"Haha! That's true!"

We then heard a ringing and I took out my Poke Gear to see that the devil himself was calling. Well, he wasn't since I had respect for him now, but he was still scary sometimes.


"Sapphire! It's good to hear from you!"

"Dad? What is it?" I asked as I could tell that there was an urgency in his voice.

"I was making sure that you were safe wherever you were. Have you been in contact with Steven?"

"He's right here," I said a little awkwardly.

"Oh, he is?"

"Hello Mr. Davis," Steven said trying to sound casually.

"Well, I guess I should be glad that you've met up with each other."

Steven gave me a strange look and I shook my head before I asked dad another question, "What's the matter?"

"Well, it's just that there have been Gym Leaders and trainers going missing here in Hoenn, including your friends Ruby and Wally."

"Wh-what?! Ruby and Wally are missing?!"

"I'm afraid so. Now, listen to me. I don't want either of you to come back to Hoenn. It's too dangerous. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to do something. Stay safe."

Then he hung up and then Steven looked at me again, "Is there something that you aren't telling me?"

"Uh...what? Oh, well...not you, but my dad. I told him that was going on a journey, but I didn't say that-"

"It was with me?"


"It's fine. To be honest, I didn't tell my father that I was probably going to be traveling with you as well."

"Oh, why not?"

"Th-that's something I'd rather not talk about. So, what are going to do about what your father told us?"

"Hmm...Even though we are Pokemon League Champions technically we aren't since you lost your position to me and I gave up my position, so would a Gym Leader have authority over us?"

"No, but he's your father so he has the authority over you."

"Yeah, but I should have a say in what I do as well."

"Hmm...I'd say we just ignore him and go back to see what is going on back home."

I looked at him and smiled, "I was hoping you'd say that."

"If you two have made up your minds, then let's go!" Troppy said.

Without another word Steven got onto the back of his Skarmory while I got onto Troppy's back before we took off into the sky. It took over a day of flying, so by the time we got back to Hoenn it was the next day and it was also nighttime as well. The first city that we flew close to was Mossdeep City, where Steven lived, so we decided to land there and make plans for what were going to do. Also, our Pokemon needed their rest as well, so it was the best course of action that we were going to have to do for the time being.

Once our Pokemon set us down by Steven's house we recalled them back to their Poke Balls so they could get some rest, and then we entered inside. The place had been locked, so everything should've been fine, and when we did everything was neatly organized just as I had last saw it. However, I could sense something wasn't right.

"I feel something," I said.

"You do? What is it?" Steven asked.

" feels like someone is watching us..." I said slowly before I noticed something move in the corner.

I then quickly sent out Sparkzette who pounced on someone who was in the corner and we went over to see that she had stunned a small yellow Pokemon. I wasn't sure what it was, so I checked my Pokedex to see what it was called.

'Joltik, the Attaching Pokémon.Since it can't generate its own electricity, it sticks onto large-bodied Pokémon and absorbs static electricity.'

"So, why would it be in my house then?" Steven pondered.

All of a sudden it got up and started attacking us with electric type moves.

"Sparkzette! Use Thunder!"

Sparkzette raised her paw in the air before she sent down a giant thunderbolt on the little Pokemon, almost knocking it out. It then barely got up and looked at us before it said, "We are after you. Team Plasma...if you want to save your friends then come to our headquarters near Shoal Cave."

Then the small Pokemon jumped away and crawled out through a small hole in the wall.

"What's matter, Sapphire?"

"That came here for a reason. It came to send us a message. They're holding our friends captive near Shoal Cave."

"What?! Really?! Wait a minute! Let's not be too hasty here. It could be a trap."

He had a point. It could've been a trap, but there was only one way to find out. Trap or no trap we needed to go and investigate this place.

"Alright, then I'll go and investigate it while you stay here."

He looked at me in shock, "No, I can't let you do that. If something happened to you-"

"Steven, I can take care of myself, but if I do get captured then you can-"

"Come and save you? No, I don't think so. We don't know what we're up against!"

"I know, but I know that you will help me. I want you to stay here and-"

"Let's think this through, Sapphire! You're acting rashly, but we need to not do that. We need to be reasonable!"

"And I'm being reasonable in my own right! Just because you're now an adult doesn't mean that you have a right to tell me what to do!" I snapped.

He looked at me in shock. I knew I shouldn't have gotten so worked up over that, and that he was trying to protect me; however, my emotions had gotten the best of me. I then recalled Sparkzette back to her Poke Ball and said, "I'm going, and you're not going to stop me."

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