Chapter 1: The Cloaked Stranger

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My mind was in its normal, sleeping state of never ending darkness. I tried to suppress any dreams I had with my powers for I feared that they would come back to haunt me, but I couldn't stop them. I saw the same dream again of finding my Pokemon and everyone I loved on the ground dead. They were dead because of my powers. The powers that I couldn't control. I then felt something tickling my nose, and I came back to reality in an instant just as my back slammed onto the ground.

"Owwww...Alright, who woke me up?!" I asked as I groaned in pain.

I looked over to see Zorua snickering at me and I saw papers covered with my drawings fluttering to the ground.

"Hey! I thought I told you to not play in those," I said as I playfully lunged for her.

She jumped out of the way and I gave her a stern look before I smiled at her. She was too adorable that it was hard to scold her sometimes.

"Alright, but don't do that again."

She then shook her head and pointed at me. I gave her a confused look and asked, "What is it?"

She started barking at me before she gave me some of my drawings and then hit them out of my hands so they would fly in the air. It took me a few seconds, but then I realized what she was trying to tell me. I was the one who made all of my drawings scatter in the air. Not her. I then looked at my hands in fear. Are my dreams coming true? Oh, I hope they don't, I thought before I heard the door open behind me.

I looked up the basement stairs to see Kristina standing there in her bathrobe.

"Hey Courtney! You're boyfriend's Pokemon made a mess in the basement!"

I then saw and her Espeon come running towards her. She then took one look at the basement before the two of them rushed down the stairs, "Are you alright, Blaise?"

"Yeah, I just fell out of my chair while I was sleeping," I answered as I stood up to look at her.

She was wearing a light blue t-shirt, dark grey jeans, sneakers, and I saw that she was giving me a worried look. I knew that she knew that I wasn't telling the whole truth, but her sister couldn't know about my powers. If she did then she would freak out.

Ever since Team Magma disbanded over a year ago we needed a place to stay. Courtney decided that we would find her sister, who was living in Slateport City, and see if she would allow that. When the two of them saw each other for the first time in about ten years it was a tearful reunion. Ever since then we stayed here. During the first few days Courtney learned that Kristina had thought she was dead and that their mom was sent to jail not too long after she had disappeared, which shocked her, but it didn't bother her that much. I could tell that she was a little happy since their mother treated her and her Pokemon poorly.

Now we were living here for the time being, and while Courtney helped out her sister in her store I just stayed at home in the basement drawing. About a month after we started staying here Courtney and I noticed that my psychic powers were starting to get out of control to where it was noticeable. Given the values that they were raised on in which powers like mine and hers weren't accepted in society, Courtney was afraid that her sister would freak out if she knew that I had psychic powers, so we then decided that I would stay in the basement to stay safe. However, I knew that with each passing day my powers were growing stronger, and I had a difficult time controlling them. There wasn't anything we could do now, but we had to figure out why they were growing all of a sudden.

"Well, I'm going to leave you two to clean up since I have to go and open the store soon. See you there, Courtney!" she said waving before she closed the door behind her.

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