Chapter 15: The Fate of the "Hero"

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When we opened the door, we saw a figure with a Pokemon standing in the middle of the room. His hair was black with the ends of it being white, and he wore a long black cloak. The Pokemon next to him was a Drapion, which looked to be the same Drapion that had attacked us from before.

"Are you the one who we fought before?" I asked.

He nodded his head without saying a word. Something didn't seem right though. I couldn't see his eyes, so it was hard for me to tell what his facial expression was. Although, I just had the feeling that something was wrong.

"Where's Steven?" I asked.

He then moved aside to reveal Steven lying unconscious on the ground behind him. He didn't look to be terribly hurt, so that made me a little relieved; however, I still felt like something wasn't right. The Team Plasma member seemed off to me, but I couldn't figure out how.

"If you want him back, then you will have to fight me!" he said in a disturbingly low voice.

Before I could respond Blaise stopped me. "Something about him is off. Let me handle this."

I stepped back as he sent out his Kirlia and Magcargo.

"Minoru! You're being mind-controlled!" Blaise said as he called out to the Team Plasma member. "Snap out of it!"

We all looked at Blaise. Was this person really being mind controlled? If so, then he was being used. We had to find out who was behind this.

"I know how to stop this, so stand back," Blaise commanded before he turned back to his Kirlia and Magcargo. Magcargo then fired a Flamethrower at Minoru and Drapion and then Kirlia used Protect and put the barrier around Steven to keep him from being hurt.

"Ahh! What are you doing?!" Minoru yelled as the flames caught his cloak.

"Now Kirlia!"

Just then Kirlia became surrounded in a brilliant white light just as it fired a pink aura from its body. It was Heal Pulse!

When the move hit Minoru, the flames started to calm down and then the Protect barrier disappeared along with Steven. Where's Steven?

"Don't worry," Blaise said, and I looked over to see that his Kirlia, now a Gardevoir, was standing next to him. "He's fine."

Just then a flash of light appeared in front of us, and when it died down, it revealed Steven to be lying on the ground in front of us.

"Steven!" I cried as I knelt down next to him. Please be alright, I thought as I took his hand in both of mine. When I looked down on his face, he appeared to be calm. After a few moments, he began to stir awake and when he opened his eyes, my face lit up with excitement.

"Sapphire...?" he groaned as he started to sit up.

"Steven!" I cried as I quickly hugged him. "I was worried about you!"

"Y-you were?"

I looked up to see that his face was a little red, and I nodded, which caused him to blush even more. He then embraced me and said. "Thank you."

"Awww! How adorable!" said an unfamiliar voice. We all started looking around in confusion to figure out where the voice came from.

"Confused? Well you should be! It looks like I will have to do what you couldn't, Minoru!"

Just as Steven and I were standing up, I saw that Minoru was clenching his fists together.

"You leave them alone!"

"Oh? What's this? Ha! You always weren't to be trusted, just like father said."

"Well, so what? If I become the Hero of Truth, then I can show the world who is to be trusted. Me, or what Team Plasma really wants!"

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