Chapter 4: A Blessing of Life

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I stormed out of Steven's house and I started running towards the cliff the overlooked the ocean. Once I got there I could see that Shoal Cave was in the distance, but I realized something. I knew that I was in a sense running away from Steven. My emotions had gotten the best of me, and now that I had calmed down I knew what I had said wasn't the right choice. I felt bad for yelling at him, but I knew that as long as I went back then he would forgive me. He was my friend after all, and he would understand. I just needed to vent my anger out, and now I felt relaxed.

As I turned around to head back I heard something. I felt that someone was nearby, but I couldn't tell where. Then, I heard something and I quickly moved out of the way just in time as I saw a shuriken strike into the ground next to me foot; however, it wasn't an ordinary one. It was a shuriken made out of water! I quickly reached for Jet's Poke Ball, but before I could send him out I was knocked out from behind.

I wasn't sure how long I had been knocked out, but when I woke up I could feel a sharp pain in the back of my head. I didn't feel dizzy, so that was a good sign that I didn't have a concussion, hopefully.

As I looked at my surroundings I could see that I was somewhere in a dimly lit room. I could hardly see where I was, but I noticed that there was a door on the other side. When I went to try and open the door it failed to open as it was locked. Then I reached for my Poke Balls only to find that they were all gone. I was trapped.

I looked around to see if I could figure out where I was, but since there were no windows and there was no one else in the room I had no way of figuring out where I was. Then, I noticed a small ventilation shaft high above in the side of the wall. It was too small for me to climb out though, but I could hear something from behind it so I went over to open it up. All of a sudden something came flying out of it and landed on the ground with a thud. When I saw what it was I could see that it was a small bat like Pokemon with big ears and had a purple coloring on it. I then tried to see if my Pokedex was with me, but it was gone too, so I decided to try and talk with it instead.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, thanks for opening that up for me," she said.

"Why were you trying to open that?"

"I saw that those people knocked you out and brought you to this building, so I used my Supersonic to find you."

"Wait, so does that mean that I'm in a cell of some sort?"

"Probably. I'm not sure what you're talking about, but they seemed to have you trapped, so I would assume so."

"Oh, this is bad," I said as I slowly fell to my knees, "If only I hadn't yelled at Steven and ran off. Then this wouldn't have happened."

"Um, I don't know what you're talking about, but you wouldn't have known. Did you know that these people were going to attack you?"

I shook my head.

"Then it's not your fault."

She was right. It wasn't my fault, but I still felt bad about yelling at Steven before I left.

"Hey! Are you alright? I thought I made you happy?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just feel bad since I yelled at my friend earlier."

"Oh, well I've never had that happen to me before so I wouldn't know what you're talking about. But I can tell you this: once you get out then you can apologize to them. Problem solved!"

"You're right... Thank you," I said smiling a little.

"Don't sweat it! I'm just trying to help. You know, you're the first human that I've ever met who can speak with Pokemon."

"And you didn't notice that until just now?"

"Oh, I noticed it earlier. I just didn't say anything since it didn't seem to shock me. Probably because it feels natural talking to you like any other Pokemon. Maybe the reason why you can is because you're either related to a Pokemon closely or you were blessed with your gift when you were born by a special Pokemon."

I looked at the little Pokemon with a confused look, "Blessed with the powers?"

"Yeah! There's a legend my mother taught me about this legendary Pokemon that is the giver of life. It's also said that when a small child with a kind heart is near death they'll give them a new life force that can sometimes bless them with the power to speak with nature."

"Really? I guess I'm a special case since I can blend in with nature."

"Really? Then you are special! I knew that when I saw you that you were a kind person!"

"Haha! Thanks, but where did you come from since I never heard of this legend, and what kind of Pokemon are you?"

"Oh, well I guess I should tell you then. I am Noibat, and the legend that I told you is from the Kalos region, where I came from. Although, one day I snuck onto a boat with lots of food, and then a few days later I found myself here in the Hoenn region."

"Well, at least you had food to help you survive."

"Yes, that's true! Oh, so what's your name?"

"I'm Sapphire. Nice to meet you, Noibat!" I said as I held out my hand and she held up her little wing so I could gently shake it.

"It's nice to meet you too, Sapphire! Say, do you know if there's anything I could do to help you?"

"Actually, there is. Do you know if they're holding anyone else captive here?"

"No, there isn't. It's just you."

"Just me, huh? Okay. Do you think you could break down the door if you tried?"

"Maybe, but what if they hear us or something?"

"That's true...Okay, then we should make a plan. You said you can use Supersonic, right?"

"That's how I found you."

"Then that's what's going to help us get out of here. Now, will you be willing to cooperate with me to help me escape?"

"Of course! You're too nice that I wouldn't turn you down. Not in a million years! Not never ever ever!"

I chuckled a little before I took out a small notepad and pencil that I had happened to keep in my pack, which they didn't take away for some reason. The only other things I had were some berries and my Hoenn Gym Badges which were clipped to the outside, but my Poke Balls, Pokedex, and Pokegear had all been taken away.

"Alright then. Now, let's come up with a plan."

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