Chapter 8: A Safe Haven

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Yay! New chapter! Ohmilordarceus, it has been about...two months. I really have to stop doing this, but what can you do when you're busy with school, and video games. *cough* Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn and Pokemon Sun and Moon! *cough* Well, it's back to the books for me, or writings. Oh, and I've recently written a Fire Emblem poem, so I might put that on here soon (maybe). Happy reading everyone! ^.^ ~AC


I looked back every so often to see if anyone was following us only to be blinded by the sun on the horizon. It was a beautiful sight to behold when looking at the pink, orange, and purples reflecting on the dark blue ocean water. Although, I couldn't help but remain wary as we flew towards southern Hoenn, or wherever Courtney was guiding us to. Team Plasma was after us, and I was concerned for our safety as well as other people and Pokemon who were in danger of being captured by them. It had already happened to Sapphire and her friends, but I also knew that other trainers and Pokemon wouldn't be safe until we stopped them.

I turned away from the bright sun and looked over to where Sapphire and Jet were to see her asleep on the legendary Pokemon's back with the bat-like Pokemon sleeping on her shoulder, who had been following her ever since we had left Team Plasma's hideout near Shoal Cave. It must have helped her to escape the place as they were not in a cell when Courtney and I had found them. I also noticed that it had taken a liking to her as it seemed like it didn't want to leave her side.

As we continued our flight above the ocean I saw the little Pokemon's ears twitch before it yawned as it opened its eyes. It then proceeded to move by stretch its wings before it used one of them to tap on Sapphire's shoulder. Jet noticed it as well as he said something, which I couldn't understand, and the small Pokemon jumped back before nodding its head and stopped its effort of trying to wake up Sapphire. I wonder what they said, I thought, Maybe something like, 'Don't wake her up!' or, well, that's probably what he said.

"Alright, we're almost there!" Courtney said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I scanned the area around us to see what she was talking about. We were near where the Sky Pillar and Pacifidlog Town were located, but she was already starting to descend towards an island in the middle of the ocean. I didn't recognize the island, nor had I ever seen it before when traveling Hoenn as well. I couldn't figure it out what it was at first, but when I saw it almost disappear for a moment I realized what it was. It was Mirage Island, an island that disappeared and reappeared at the most random of moments.

"Is that Mirage Island?" I asked.

"It is. It's about to disappear so we're going to have to hurry if we want to make it before we can enter it!"

"Enter it? How will we do that?"

"We just land on it, but when it disappears it goes into another dimension. A place that looks like Hoenn, but time and space are warped there in a way that causes it to disappear and reappear when we look at it."

" that even possible?"

"It seems like it, but I'm not sure. If you want to know more about it you can ask Zinnia when we get there!"

"If we get there," Jet said, "We're wasting time! I'll get us there faster!"

"No! For one, Sapphire isn't awake to help you Mega Evolve, and two, you aren't at full strength. You could hurt yourself, or even die if you tried to tear through the fabric of space!" Courtney exclaimed.

Jet and I both looked at her in shock. How could she have known about what Jet could do if were to Mega Evolve, unless Zinnia had told her as well. What did Zinnia tell Courtney, and how much did she say? I probably wouldn't ever find out, but if there was one thing that was for certain it was that Zinnia must have known a lot of information, especially about Team Plasma.

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