Chapter 10: Hidden Secrets

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New part! I hope you all like it! I know I haven't posted for a while, but school is stressful, and now it's done. Well, for now...^.^


As we entered into the trees a soft breeze went through, and the sound relaxed me. I was still a little shaken after Blaise had visited me in my dreams with the news he had given me, but being in the trees relaxed me a little. In all of the traveling I had done with Steven, we went to so many cities that staying away from them was difficult. Sinnoh and Kanto were both wonderful, but we had gone to so many cities that we barely had gone to any places with no towns or cities around for miles. Out here on Mirage Island, the scenery was calming, especially in the forest. I then lifted my hand and watched it disappear. I then realized that there was something wrong. It hadn't fully disappeared. At a closer look, my hand was barely visible. Huh, I wonder why that is? Perhaps it's because I haven't used my powers in so long. Wait...when was the last time I used them?

I then felt a knot form in my stomach. I couldn't remember the last time I had used them. I then shook my head. It was something to not worry about. We had to tell Courtney about Blaise.

Up ahead, I spotted a clearing in the trees and as we got closer I could hear two voices that sounded like arguing.

"What do you mean you don't know where it is?!"

"I told you, I don't know. I haven't seen it in over a year, so how should I know where it is? For all I know, it could've gotten destroyed when Groudon destroyed the hideout."

"That's not good enough!"

"Well, that's all I've got. Now, there's someone watching us, so do you want to be noticed?"

"I think it's a bit too late," I said as Steven, our Pokemon, and I entered the clearing to see Courtney seated on a flat rock with Volcarona by her side and Zinnia standing above them with a Pokemon that looked similar to Noibat.

"You two!" Zinnia exclaimed, "This is a private conversation-"

"Zinnia! I don't think it matters now. They've probably heard enough," Courtney said as she blew a pink bubble from her bubblegum, "Besides, I think it's something they should hear."

"And what might that be?" Steven asked.

Zinnia sighed and folded her arms across her chest before responding, "I'm sure you two remember the story about my uncle, right? Well, apparently Team Magma once had some technology of his that he made for Devon long ago, but she claims that she knows nothing of its whereabouts."

"And that's the truth."

"Oh really? Then how come you have something of his?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean! That journal I've seen you reading late at night! I know that's his!"

I saw that Courtney was trying to stay calm, but I could see the anger in her eyes. Maybe Zinnia was telling the truth.


Of all the things she had to bring had to be the journal! I thought. I could feel my temper starting to rise, but I had to stay calm. If she learned the truth about what really happened to the Scanner, I didn't know what to expect from her. For all I knew, she could unleash Rayquaza and destroy all of Hoenn just to find it. I can't let her know what happened to it. Not yet at least.

I took a deep breath to stay calm before I answered her saying, "Yes, I do have the journal that you speak of, but I have it because it's supposed to go to Blaise."

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