Chapter 5: Partners

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Sorry for not updating in, like, two days. I had lack of motivation, and I have bad motivation sometimes during the summer. XD


I sat on the couch as I couldn't think of anything to do. I wasn't happy, but I wasn't sad either about Sapphire storming off like that. I felt bad for what I said, but I was only trying to protect her and I had the feeling that she knew as well. Her emotions must've gotten the better of her. I knew how riled up she could get if anyone she cared about was in danger. That was the only explanation I could think of, and I knew that it had to be the case. I'd known her long enough that she was a caring person towards both people and Pokemon alike. Te bond she had with her Pokemon was strong, and her caring personality reflected upon her Pokemon, even if it wasn't noticeable at first.

I sighed and I looked out the window behind me to see nothing but the dark trees with hints of moonlight poking through the leaves and shining onto the ground. I was starting to get worried and a little anxious. I could tell that something was wrong though. Something must've happened to her, but I couldn't tell what. Then, I saw something flash through the trees. I couldn't tell what it was, so I quickly grabbed Aggron's Poke Ball to prepare myself. All of a sudden I heard a loud crash outside so I ran to see what it was, and outside on the ground was Sapphire's Latios, Jet.

I looked at him, and I could tell that something was wrong. Without warning he fired a teal colored sphere, Dragon Pulse, at me so I quickly sent out Aggron to block the attack. I then looked into his eyes to see that they were glowing red which meant that he was hit by a Hypnosis attack. I had to snap him out of it, but if he was in this condition then something must've happened to Sapphire!

"Aggron! Use Dragon Tail!"

Jet fired another Dragon Pulse at Aggron, who barely hung on, and then his tail glowed teal and then slammed it into Jet. He then fell to the ground, and once he raised his head I saw that the red in his eyes was gone. He rose up so he could levitate above the ground only to collapse.

"Jet! Are you alright?" I asked.

"I am fine. Sapphire is not. Just as she was knocked out from behind I got out of my Poke Ball. Then I was hit by a Hypnosis attack. I'm sorry for letting them capture her and attack you."

"It's not your fault."

"I know, but I apologize because I feel bad."

"I know you do, but how about this? We go and figure out where they took her and that will make us both feel better."

"I agree. We must find where they are."

"Yes, but who is "they"? Team Plasma?"

"I believe so, but there is something I must tell you before we go," he said as he started levitating again without faltering.

"What is it?"

"Sapphire was going to come back. She felt bad for raising her voice at you."

"She did? Well, now I have to go save her."

"Why? You don't make any sense with that reasoning unless if-! Oh."

"Yeah," I said as I recalled Aggron back to his Poke Ball, "Now do you think you know where to find this place?"

"Yes, follow me!"

As he guided me through the trees I wondered if Latios actually understood why I felt that way. I took what he said as a sign that Sapphire possibly did care about me, but I couldn't be sure. She cared about many people, so it probably didn't say anything about me. All I wanted to know was how she felt about me, and that was it. If she did then I would be happy, but if she didn't then I would move on.

Once we reached the small cliff that overlooked the ocean Latios motioned over to where the Shoal Cave was, "What that Joltik said is true. They have a base near it and...are you worried about something?"

"What? No, I'm fine, really. I am."

"Are you worried about how Sapphire's feelings are towards you?"

"H-how did you know?"

"It's just obvious to me. I've been around Pixie long enough to be able to tell those kinds of things, not uh...because I like that vixen or anything."

"Haha! Your secret's safe with me, but about what you said about Sapphire. Do you know if-"

"she has feelings for you? If I knew would I tell you?"

"I take that as a no."

"Correct. You'll have to ask her for yourself. Now, let's focus on our goal in mind."


"And you won't mind if I tag along with you, Steven?"

I was startled by the voice we heard and we both turned around to see no one. Although, I could've sworn I heard that voice before.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"What? You don't remember me?"

I then saw someone emerge from the shadows to reveal themselves. It was a young woman with short black hair and icy blue eyes. She wore a dark green short sleeved shirt, blue jeans, sneakers, and had a Volcarona by her side.

"Y-you're Courtney from Team Magma!"

"I was, but they disbanded over a year ago."

"Okay...but, aren't you supposed to be dead?"

She gave me a confused look before she burst out laughing, "Me?! Haha! Where did you get that idea?! I know that my sister thought I was, but she had an excuse! You?! Why would you think I was dead?!"

"Well, Sapphire told me about the strange mark you had on the back of your hand and-"

"Oh, she did? Well, the two of you didn't have to worry about me. I survived and I have my Pokemon to thank me."

Volcarona then flapped its wings which released a few tiny flames that extinguished right as they were released. Then it made a noise and Courtney looked over to it and nodded her head, "You're right. We should probably go."

"So, that means that you'll help me?"

"Of course! After all these are the same people who have been kidnapping Gym Leaders and trainers, so I might as well start by helping Sapphire."

"Why? We were enemies once and-"

"that doesn't matter. We should be friends, or at least see each other as allies now working towards a common goal: stop Team Plasma. If you don't believe me, then we'll shake on it," she said as she held out her hand, "Partners?"

I hesitated as I glanced at Latios and I saw that he seemed a little suspicious as well. Then without thinking twice I quickly held out my hand to shake hers, "Partners."

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