Chapter 11: The Starry Sky

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A new part. Hopefully I can start updating more frequently, which I probably will. I hope you all like the new part! ^.^


It was dark by the time we made it to a small island near the abandoned Team Aqua hideout. It was close enough for us to see where it was, but it was just far away to where they hopefully wouldn't spot us. From there, we would wait until before dawn. That was when we would go in. Zinnia and Courtney both knew the layout of the place, more so Zinnia than Courtney since she was the one who had been in Team Aqua for a while, so the two of them knew of possible places where we could find Blaise, Ruby, Wally, and all of the other trainers who had been captured. With Team Plasma's base at Shoal Cave destroyed this was the only other one they had left, so this rescue mission had to go without fail; otherwise, the worst could happen, which I didn't want to even bring myself to think about.

After we had talked things through, we all settled in for the night until before dawn. That was when we would go. However, I found myself not being able to fall asleep. Something was bothering me, so I left the area where we were sleeping, with Noibat and Latios both following me. The two of them couldn't sleep either as they were both worried about me. From there, I went to the edge of the island, which was actually more of a cliff that towered above the sea, and sat down on the edge with my legs dangling off of the side. I then started running my hand through the grass, watching it disappear and then reappear. It seemed to not be as transparent as it was earlier, so I sighed in relief.

"Something the matter?" Noibat asked.

"Oh, it's just my powers. They don't seem to be working the way they used to, but I think they're doing better now."

"Well, you haven't used them in a while, so that might be why. Although..." Latios started.


"Do you remember when you bonded with the Jade Orb? It's just a, what you humans call a 'hunch,' but perhaps you lost some of your power to Rayquaza."

I gave him a strange look, "What makes you say that?"

"Well, given at how you were in extreme pain when the orb left your body, it could have taken away some of your life energy in order to escape it, which then would cause Rayquaza to have some of your power. You see, your power, from what I observe, works with nature. Even though Rayquaza isn't like Kyogre and Groudon for when it comes to storing natural energy in order to transform, it still requires some kind of energy, that being energy from space. However, the Jade Orb is like the Red and Blue orbs in that natural energy is required to create it. That's why I think that the Jade Orb took away some of your power because it needed more energy required to escape your body than it did when it entered it. Does that make any sense?"

I nodded my head. It did make sense to me, but even if that were true, it still made me feel like I was missing a part of me. Perhaps, this might be for the best, but it still doesn't feel right, I thought just before Noibat hopped into my lap. She then looked up at me and said, "If you're thinking that losing your powers are bad, then don't worry about it. You're still the same person to me! The same Sapphire, and that won't change!"

I smiled when she said that. It made me happy to know that, even though she wasn't my Pokemon.

"She's right," a voice said from behind. When I turned around, I wasn't expecting who I saw.


"That's me alright," she said as she walked up to me before sitting down to my left, "So you think you've lost some of your powers?"

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