Chapter 9: In the Dream

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I think the hardest part of writing these chapters is coming up with titles. Yeah...titles. Seriously, it is hard to come up with them. XD


My vision was pitch black, but that meant that I was dreaming. Everything was peaceful, or I thought it was until I heard a voice call out to me. At first I thought someone was trying to shake me awake, but that wasn't right. It seemed like someone was trying to get my attention though, so I answered back.

"Hello? Who's there?"

"Sapphire! Can you hear me?!" the voice called out again as it was starting to sound closer.

"I can hear you!" I answered, "Who are you?!"

"Oh good! I was glad that you could hear me!"

"Hey! You didn't answer my question! Who are you?!"

"What? You don't recognize me?" the voice responded, sounding like it was only ten feet away from me, but I saw no one. Everything was pitch black still.

"No, I don't. If I could see you, then I would know who you are."

"Well, that's going to be hard. I guess your strength still hasn't fully recovered from your battle with Team Plasma yet, has it?"

"What does my strength have to do with that, and how do you know that I've battled with Team Plasma recently?"

Just then I felt something brush slightly against my arm, but when I turned to see what it was nothing was there.

"Wh-what was that?"

"That was me. I'm right next you, and you still can't see me?!"

"No, I can't, but you still haven't answer the question."

They sighed and I could tell that they were starting to get annoyed. Just then I felt a pain in my cheeks and it felt like someone was pinching them with an iron grip.

"For lord Arceus' sake! I can't believe you've brought me to this, but you have! How can you not remember me?! I know about your run-in with Team Plasma because of my abilities that you despise. I am the man who you despise! The one who tried to kill you, and you have forgotten me?!"

"Ow! Okay! Let go of me, Blaise!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you," he said sighing in relief as he let go of my cheeks.

"So, what do you want?" I asked as I started rubbing them, only to come to the realization that he really was in my dreams, "Wait! How are-"

"My powers. What else?" He said, sighing. I still couldn't see him, but at least I knew that he was there, or somewhere that seemed nearby. I then heard him take a deep breath before he started to speak again, "I'll tell you why I'm talking to you. I've been captured by Team Plasma, and they've been trying to use my powers."

"What? They can do that?!"

"Apparently, if they use some sort of psychic moves, so that's what they've been doing. And, I'm just glad that I was able to reach you."

"Me? Why me? Couldn't you have talked to Courtney?"

"I tried...numerous times, but I was afraid that if she was the first to find out, with possibly no one else being around, then she could go into a rage and burn everything to the ground."

"Would she really do that?"

"Well... maybe not, but I've been able to sense her thoughts at times, when I'm not unconscious, and she has those thoughts about burning things."

"I, I guess you expect me to be there to calm her down or something?"

"Heh. Something like that. Now, as I was saying about what Team Plasma were doing to me, they have been torturing me with psychic moves. They're trying to turn me into a weapon so they can be unbeatable. I'm completely helpless, and if you guys don't come and get me out of here soon, then I could lose all of my sanity."

It felt like the atmosphere had changed. I could feel my stomach slowly starting to hurt me. It was a lot to take in, but I did my best to stay calm when I asked him, "S-so where are you?"

I felt scared, for not only Blaise's safety, but for the safety of everyone else. If this is what Team Plasma was trying to accomplish, then they had to be stopped no matter what. Even though I never cared much for him, he was still a human being and I had to help him. I had to help anyone who was being hurt by Team Plasma, and I was going to do whatever it took to stop them.

"I'm located in Team Aqua's abandoned hideout. Courtney will know where to go. And, please, be careful. You don't know what they'll do to me if they know that you're coming."

Before I could say anything I felt myself coming back to my senses and the world around me started to become lighter. The next thing I knew I sat up quickly only to fall onto my back just as fast. I felt the blood rushing to my head, and I saw that there was someone next to me. Once my vision adjusted I saw that it was Steven with his Skarmory, Jet, and Noibat. They were all watching over me, which made me smile.

"Hi. It seems like you were all worried about me. I was just sleeping."

Steven shook his head, "No, you were saying things in your sleep. It was troubling your Pokemon, so Jet told me that you were saying words like torture, and power in your sleep."

"I-I was? Oh, well...I can explain. Actually, I have to tell this to Courtney as well," I said as I sat up to observe my new surroundings, "Where are we?"

"Mirage Island. We may seem like we're out in the open, if that's what is concerning you, but we're not. We are safe here."

I looked at him with a curious look. I sounded concerned? I guess I did, I thought.

"Okay, well you can explain more later. Could you take me to find Courtney."

"Sure, not that I know where to find her, but I can help you."

"Thank you," I said.

Steven then stood up before holding out his hand to help me up. I took it and he helped me to stand up. I then quickly let go of it, feeling a little embarrassed, before he turned around to scan the area. I also did the same thing. We were near the beach where the water was surprisingly calm, and there was a stretch of a wide open field where there were both people and Pokemon. Then on one side there was a forest with lush, green trees. It was so peaceful here that I felt at ease, and I could tell that our Pokemon were the same as well. It was about a minute later when Steven finally made a decision, "Okay, let's try this way."

Without hesitation he started walking towards the trees with Skarmory following behind him.

"Let's go!" Noibat said, following after them, and Jet and I followed right after her.

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