Epilogue: Maturing

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I stood in the living room where nothing had been touched. The case of stones, the bookcase, the sofa. Nothing had been touched in months--no--years, despite me coming by here every so often to check on things for Steven.

Two years had gone by since Steven had left and a lot had happened since then. A few months after things were starting to go back to normal, and after Team Plasma was gone, Blaise had proposed to Courtney. The two of them were shortly wed afterwards, and then they moved to the Unova region to a small town where they would be able to have a quiet and easy life, especially since Blaise was starting to become a well renown artist.

Then there was Wally, who was constantly honing his skills at the Battle Frontier. Just a few days ago, he had told me that he was going to go across seas and find other places like it in order to take his skills to another level. Ruby on the other hand was with Zinnia a lot. I couldn't tell if he was with her on his own descision or she was constantly dragging him around. Either way, the two of them were both working on finding other Draconids and researching more of the lore in order to ensure that it wasn't lost.

As for me, not a lot had changed. Well, that's how I felt. I looked different, attire wise that is. I now wore a red tank top with a black one underneath, white shorts with black shorts underneath, yellow and red shoes, and instead of the bandana, I now wore a red and white bow tied around my head. I had also matured not just in age, but in attitude, or so my father, mother, and sister had told me. I didn't see how though. Every time I thought about it, I usually thought of him and whether he would see it.

I sighed. I miss you Steven, but I think I finally understand why you also left. It was because of me. I probably wasn't worthy enough of you yet.

"Sapphire, why did we come here again?"

I turned around and looked at Pixie and Jet both. "I felt like it."

"Well, we shouldn't stay long. We have to follow through with that request that was in the letter you received."

I nodded my head before I took my letter out of my pack. A few weeks ago, I had received a letter from Driftveil City in Unova. The person who had sent it was Clay, the Gym Leader of Driftveil City and the head of the Pokemon World Tournament planning committee. The request was for me to come and compete in the PWT in order to help raise publicity for it. At first, I didn't know what to do, but eventually I decided to go. I wasn't the only one who got the same letter. My father did, Wallace, and all of the other Hoenn Gym Leaders. However, many of them were busy, so I was the only one who was able to go and represent Hoenn.

I sighed as I put the letter back in my pack. It felt strange. I hadn't gone off on my own for a while. Not since my journey over three years ago. Although, I had my Pokemon, I still didn't want to be alone.

"If you're worried about being alone, I think it will be alright," Jet said as if he had read my mind.

"Yeah! And besides, aren't Courtney and Blaise in Unova now? We could always go and visit them again."

I smiled. "You're right. We could do that."

I then looked back at the house. It felt like this was going to be my last time here. I had to let go. No matter how much I wanted to see him, I probably wouldn't. I closed my eyes and then took a deep breath before exhaling it.



My eyes flew wide open when I heard the familiar voice, and I quickly spun around to see Steven and his Skarmory both standing in the doorway. I smiled and I could see that he was as well. His attire had changed a little. The ends of his sleeves of his jacket now had silver cuffs, and there was now a stickpin on the collar of the jacket with a Key Stone on it.

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