Idiot Robbers

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Suzy's POV

"Are you girls going to be okay if I go home early?"

"Don't worry about it Sooan. Go home and get some rest" I say and she smiles.

"That's going to be hard. But I'll try. Goodnight girls and make sure you lock up properly" She says warning Jieun and I.

"Ne" we say before she walks out the store.

"Can you believe Sooan just had a baby? She looks good for her age" Jieun said and I rolled my eyes.

"Your acting like she's seventy or something. She's only thirty four and is already married to a wealthy guy. What does she need this dump for?" I say looking around at the dim lit hell hole.

"Well if it wasn't for this 'dump'. We would be out of a job" Jieun said pointitng out the important things like always. And I sighed.

Times are hard for me and my best friend Jieun.

And to think. We went from all the glitz and glamour of high school. To the harsh reality of adulthood.

We share a tiny apartment on the rough side of town. Not to mention that we go to school in the daytime and work the night shift at a crappy convenience store.

"I wouldn't have to work here if I wasn't cut off from my family riches" I say pouting and dropping my head in my hand.

Jieun walked up to me. Putting her arm on my shoulder.

"Look on the bright side Suzy"

"What bright side?"

"This is an important life lesson that your father is teaching you. It's this thing we call independence. You'll thank him one day" she says chiperly. And I sigh.

That's what Jieun does. She's points out only the positive things in life. Even though her life was anything but positive. She inspires me in a way.

I sit up and look at her with a scowl.

"Ugkh. Why do I love you?" I ask and she grins.

"Because without me you'd be miserable" she says and I laugh before I pulled her into a hug.


Our hug was cut short when I heard the front door to the store open. Jieun and I looked to see that it was this old guy. And he was walking right into the prune juice aisle.

I guess I know why he's here.

He then walked out to the front desk. Where Jieun rang him up.

"That will be seven twenty five" she says. And the old guy reaches in his pocket. Slowly pulling out his crumpled change. And as he tried to hand it to her. He dropped some.

So he tried to bend down and pick it up. But it was taking him literally FOREVER. And I became impatient.

"Of for the love of God. Will you hurry up grandpa! The stores about to close" I say and Jieun gasps before she smacks my arm.

The guy stood straight again. And threw the money at Jieun.

Who didn't do anything by the way.

And stomped out the store with his juice. And I scoffed.

"The nerve of that guy. He can't even poop properly and he does that to you?" I say and Jieun gave me a half hearted smile.

"It's okay"

"Ani. I'm about to close up. It's getting pretty late and we don't need anymore rude raisins like him showing up" I say and Jieun laughs.

I walked back to retrieve the keys when I heard the door ring again. And I sighed loudly before walking out to the front counter.

And what I saw made my heart drop.

Jieun was standing with her hands up. As two guys stood in front of her. With paper bags on their heads. While one guy pointed a gun at her.

And I was frozen in fear.

"Yah! Put your hands up! This is a robbery!!" he says and I drop the keys. Raising my hands immediately.

"Step over here slowly" this other tall guy said with a deep voice. And I did as I was told. And stood next to Jieun.

"Now I'm going to tell you how it's going to go down. Cha- I mean happy virus here will go and grab the food and then we'll be leaving" he says and I frowned.

"WW-Why are you telling us?" I asked. I've been robbed before. And those other guys didn't do this.

"Uh......I ask the questions here! Chanyeol go get the stuff" he says.

"I thought my name was happy virus" he said and the other guy covered his mouth. Realizing we now know the tall guys name.

"Just go get the stuff! And you two didn't hear anything" he says waving the gun between us and Jieun and I nod our heads.

The tall guy- I mean Chanyeol- walked in the aisles and started grabbing snacks. While the other guy continued to point the gun at us. Looking behind me.

" much are the eyeliners?" He asked Jieun.

"About ff-five dollars" she says scared. And I frowned again.

Wasn't he supposed to be robbing the place? Why is he asking the price?

"Grab me two please" he says and Jieun does as she was told. And handed the robber his....eyeliner?

"Thanks" he said and I scoffed.

"Oh wow. A robber with manners" I say under my breath and he darted his eyes at me through the holes in his funny looking paper bag.

"Do you have everything?" The masked man asked. As I looked over to Jieun with my hands up. I saw her eye's glance to the bat under the counter. Then back at me and I nodded.

"Yeah I got everything" the deep voiced robber said as he placed random snacks on the counter. And the shorter guy face palmed himself.

"We're robbing the place! Why would you put our stuff up there like we're shopper's?!" He yelled and the taller guys eyes widened.

"Oh yeah. I forgot" he said. And just as the shorter guy was about to say something.

Jieun grabbed the baseball bat in one swift movement. And hit the short guy in the hand. Knocking the gun to the floor.

"Ahh!!" He screamed in pain holding onto his wrist. And the tall guy was confused. Before he saw Jieun running for the gun.

And just as he tried to stop her. I climbed onto the counter. And jumped on his back. Smacking him in the head as we started to fall into random things in the store.

Jieun retreived the gun and pointed it at the short guy.

"Don't move or I'll shoot" Jieun said. And the short guy looked at her in shock. Before putting his hands up.

Like seriously. Who are these idiots?

I jumped down from the tall guys back. And walked up to my shivering best friend. And took the gun from her.

"She's not going to shoot" I say and they sigh in relief.

"But I will" I say pointing it at them and they gasped at the same time.

"Don't shoot please. I have kids at home to feed" the short guy says and the tall guy sucked his teeth.

"No you don't Baekhyun" he says and the short guy glared.

"Really Chanyeol?"

"Oh so the names are Baekhyun and Chanyeol, good to know. Remove the masks" I say and no one moved.

"Remove the mask or I'll shoot!" I said lying of course.

They both then removed their mask and I was amazed.

They were.......handsome


But handsome.

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