Mission Pickpocketing

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Author's POV


"What are we doing at a train station?" Suzy asked looking around at her crowded environment in distaste.

She's never been to train staion before. Since her job and school are within walking distance from her apartment. Not to mention that when she was rich. She had a car, so there was no need to be on the train.

Or what she used to consider
'poor people's transportation'.

"When Jieun gets here. I will explain everything" he says before casually looking around.

This was going to be the day for phase two. Baekhyun's strong point:

Pick pocketing


Where is Jieun by the way?" Chanyeol asked.

"Taking some important exam. She's been talking about it for weeks now" Suzy said in a 'I could care less' kinda way. And Baekhyun stared at her smugly.

Trolling mode engaged.

"Well I guess they really do save the important test for the smart people" Baekhyun said and Suzy darted her eyes.

"Yah what's that supposed to mean dumbo? I can throw up something smarter than you!" She spat back. And Baekhyun felt that strange feeling again.

His heart was beating rapidly. While his stomach was doing back flips.

Baekhyun always seemed to get this feeling whenever they insulted eachother. Not knowing the reason why.

But it just made him want to do it more.

"I bet your attitude is the reason why they created double doors. So no one could walk the same way you did" Baekhyun said smiling.

"And I bet you brain feels as good as new. Considering the fact that you never use it!"

"Hey can you guys quit" Chanyeol said looking between the two. Who were now standing face to face with one another.

"Sometimes I'm jealous of all the people that haven't met you" Suzy says rolling her eyes.

"Ouch" Baekhyun mumbled dramatically. Placing a hand on his chest.

"Why would you be? At least you didn't miss out on the marvelous Byun Baekhyun.... Your welcome" he adds smirking. And winking.

"Psshh. As if. I thought you were attractive until you opened your mouth. Then all of that went down the drain along with your GPA" Suzy says and Baekhyun's eyes widen.

She thought I was attractive?

He thought. Before he sighed.

"Yah. Maybe if you ate some of that makeup you always wear. You'd be pretty in the inside too" He said sending back a backwards compliment.

And Suzy's heart dropped. Not knowing what to say or how to feel. She just let him have it like always.

"Yah! I'm pretty all over you talking poop stain!" She exclaims. But before Baekhyun could respond. Jieun appeared.

"Oh Thank God! Jieun over here!" Chanyeol said waving his hand desperately. Having heard enough of the bickering.

Jieun then walks up to them with a nervous smile placed on her face. And Chanyeol was the first one to notice.

"Gwenchana?" He asked.

"I'm just a little worried about the exam. What if I didn't do well? I'll be failure!" Jieun yells.

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