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Chanyeol's POV

The day is currently November 25. The day right after Thanksgiving and another day closer to the second heist that we were supposed to do.

But unfortunately things came up to stop us for the proper preparation.

And let's not even talk about Thanksgiving.

I feel bad that Jieun had to experience my members like this.


"So sehun I heard that your grades have been struggling" Suho said looking at the maknae.

"Not as much as your hairline" Sehun responded before scooping meat into his mouth.

"Don't talk to Suho like that. And eat your vegetables, you need them so you won't live a short life" Xiumin interjected.

"As short as your lines hyung? " he snapped back referring to our occasional songs.
"Right back at you maknae" Xiumin said and Sehun became flustered. Everyone cooed together. While Jongdae cracked up in the background.

"Anyway lets move on.  How's the single life going Jongdae. You haven't dated anyone since the 1970's" D.O said before snickering himself.

"I don't know. Hows Kai and Krystals relationship going? " Chen said nonchalantly. While D. O started to turn red.

"Hey Sehun can you pass-"

"Why are you always wearing black hyung? Who's funeral are you going to?" Sehun asked. Cutting me off.

"Yours if you don't shut up"

"Everyone's after we eat the food Yixing cooked" Kai said eyeing Lays dish.

"Didn't you guys say you wanted dirt cake? " he asked.

"I don't know if we were talking about  nature's dirt cake" Sehun said laughing. And Kris rolled his eyes.

"When will you stop being childish Sehun? " he asked.

"As soon as your rap career takes off. So.... Never" he said and I looked at Jieun. Who sat in shock at the table.

This is my family....


I cringed at the memory.

"Are you ready?" Jieun asked walking up behind me.

We were getting ready to go see Baekhyun and Suzy today. Since she checks out today. Before I take them back to their apartment.

Jieun's been with me since the Joohyuk incident. And I've felt never better to have her so close to me.  Suho's sister was even nice enough to lend her clothes while she stayed.  Since she came to visit.

All was well.
Up until it was time to eat of course.

I still don't think Jongdae recovered from the injuries Kyungsoo inflicted.

"Ne let's go while the traffics down. The crowd shouldn't be as bad" I said checking the time.

We then proceeded downstairs. Where we met Chen, Kai, Sehun and Lay sitting in the living room. Watching a movie.

And when they noticed us leaving. All attention was shifted from the tv screen.

"Leaving already?" Kai pouted.

"Ne. It's time for me to go" Jieun replied.

"Aww bummer" Chen said stretching his arm's and accidentally hitting Sehun in the face.

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