I'm Here

593 37 19

Author's POV


"Here you are hyung. One cup of hot coffee " Chen said as he handed Kris his cup.

"It's cold"

"A nice cup of coffee" Chen said still smiling. As Kris sipped some.

"Ugkh it's horrible"

"Cup of coffee"

"I'm not even sure it's coffee" Kris challenged. While Chen stood there unphased.


Everyone else in the room laughed just as someone knocked on the front door.

And just like that.  All the cheerfulness was put on hold. As Exo was now in battle mode. Knowing that every member has a key.

When someone knocks.

It's never a good thing.

Suho stood up and walked over to the door.  With his hand on the hand held gun tucked into his waist band behind his back.

It was like everyone was holding their breaths. As Suho grabbed the door knob.

Swinging it open and pointing his gun at-


"Woah woah! It's just me " he says eyes widened.

Suho tucked the gun into his pants again. As his eyes fell on Jieun. Who Chanyeol was holding in his arms at the moment.

"What happened?" He asked moving to the side and letting Chanyeol walk in.

"Long story" Chanyeol said as all eyes were now on him.

"Is that a girl?" Tao asked.

"No Tao. It's a panda. Just like you" Sehun said with his voice laced with sarcasm. As always.

"What happened to Jieun?" Kai asked remembering her name.

"I'll tell you guys everything. Just give me a second" Chanyeol said as he walked back towards his room.

Where is he?  He said give him a second" Chen said earning himself a couple of chuckles. And a smack in the head from Xiumin.

Chanyeol walked into his room. And placed Jieun on the bed gently. Before walking into the bathroom and getting the first aid kit.

He then sat next to Jieun. And tended to her side. And any other injury she couldve gotten from the fall.

During his care taking. Jieun opened her eyes. And stared at his concentrating face as he tried to clean her wounds.

She lifted her hand and placed it on his. Making him stop all his movements. And look at her.

"Chanyeol your bleeding"

She mumbled. And Chanyeol reached up to touch his cheek. Only to feel his fingertips become damp with his blood.

"Oh I didn't notice" he said standing up.  And cleaning himself quickly.
Just as he was walking back into the room to tend to Jieun.

He saw her try to sit up.
She winced in pain as he rushed over to her.

"Woah easy tiger. You're still hurt"

Chanyeol said lightly pushing her down. And continuing to bandage her up.

"I'm sorry Chanyeol"

Jieun said. And he chuckled.

"What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything"

"I got you into this mess. And now you have a cut on your handsome face" Jieun said as she placed her hand on Chanyeol's cheek.

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