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A/N- Long Chapter Ahead!. But everyone gets what they've been waiting for. ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Author's POV

Jieun walked in and saw all the pizza boxes and empty tubs of ice cream sitting around Suzy's bed. And she looked around in surprise.

"Suzy th-"

"Don't....... Please" Suzy said as she sat down. And brought her knees to her chest.

"I know. I just needed this to cope"

"Cope with what your doing to yourself" Jieun said. As she picked up a empty pizza box, putting it on the floor. And sat across from her.

"You don't understand Jieun" she mumbled.

"Well then explain"

"It's hard to explain" Suzy said being a whole lot more difficult that Jieun was expecting. Which raised irritation within her.

"How do you expect me to understand when you don't explain it to me Suzy?"

She stayed quiet as Suzy shrugged her shoulders. And tucked her head in between her arms. Wanting to hide away from the world itself.

"You need to talk to him"

"I knoooow" she whined. As she lifted her head.

"Just give me time"

"We don't have time Suzy! The heist in in seven days. We wasted seven whole days because of this! " Jieun said outraged. And Suzy was stunned by her outburst.

She's never seen this side of Jieun before.

"Your acting like I can control the way I feel Jieun"

"I know you can't. But you can at least control what you do. And smacking Baekhyun in the face and fleeing was not the right move"Jieun said which made Suzy quiet.

"And then you hide in here. Away from me. When I could've been comforting you and being there for you like a best friend should" Jieun said as Suzy began to get teary eyed.

"We're not even best friends. Suzy your my sister. And you locking yourself away affected me" Jieun said scooting closer.

"Mianhae. I didn't mean for things to get this way. I'm such a screw up" Suzy said with endless tears streaming down her face.

Jieun hugged her distraught friend in means to calm her.

"Your not a screw up Suzy. You needed time. And time you had. Now you have to talk to him" Jieun said as they pulled away.

"And say what? 'Hey sorry for ignoring you and smacking your face' "

"Suzy it's obvious you like him. So just let the words flow. What are you afraid of? "

"Love" Suzy answered quickly. Which made Jieun speachless.

"My family wasn't the loving type. No one gave me hugs and kisses. They payed people to do that. They had so much money. That they didn't care about me and still don't!" Suzy confessed.

"I've had crushes. But.... No one made me feel the way Baekhyun does. And it scares me" Suzy said. And Jieun sighed.

"Don't deny yourself love you've never had. Because then, you'll end up like your parents. And I know that's not what you want" Jieun said.

"I'll leave you alone to think about it. Here's the dorm address just incase you forgot where they lived" Jieun said before setting down a sheet of paper. And exiting Suzy's room.

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