Cafe Ex

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Jieun's POV

"Be careful Suz" I say to my crazy best friend. As I hid behind her, approaching the door. Taking slow steps and mentally praying that this wasn't Jihyun.

I honestly don't know what Suzy saw in that guy besides his looks. He is just some sex craving rabbit. Who stalks the store like some weirdo.

Needless to say, I don't like him

We were at the door when whoever it was knocked again. And we jumped together.

"Screw it. I'm opening it"

"No wait!"

I yell. But Suzy grabbed the handle before I could stop her. And what happened next caught me off guard.

Suzy swung the pan and ended up hitting-


"Ahhhh! What the heck!" He says holding his head. And we just stared at him and Chanyeol suspiciously.

"What are you doing here?" Suzy asked.

"What do you mean what are we doing here. We came to talk about the robbery. Why else would we be here" Baekhyun said grunting in pain. His hand not leaving his head.

"Not that pickle brain. I mean why are you at our apartment. How do you know where we live?" She said rephrasing.

"We saw you guys walking home. So we followed" Chanyeol said like he was talking about the weather.

What the?

"That's not creepy at all" Suzy said turning to me.

"Are you going to invite us in. Or are we going to stand and talk in the hallway?" Baekhyun asked.

"Well that's depends, are you going to be an annoying alarm clock the whole time we come up with a plan" Suzy said and he gasped.

"You almost knocked my face to the back of my head. And I'm being annoying?" Baekhyun asked.

"I think you just answered your own question there Bacon"


"Stop fighting! It's getting late guys. Can we do this tomorrow?" I asked looking between the both of them.

"Ne. When and where?" Chanyeol asked. And as I was thinking of a place. I looked back at him and grew smitten under his everlasting gaze.

"Um. There's a cafe about two blocks from here. Let's meet there at.... 12:30?" I said. And Chanyeol smiled.

"Sounds like a plan. Baekhyun let's go......Baekhyun" he says.

I looked at the unresponsive male to see that him and Suzy were having a full blown stare off.

Daring the other to blink first.

"Suzy" I said but she didn't budge either.

Chanyeol and I exchanged glances. Before he nodded his head and poked Baekhyun in his stomach. Forcing a little girls laugh to escape from his lips. And Suzy cheered.

"Ha! Loser! I won, now get lost" she says celebrating.

"Cheater! I didn't even blink you loch nest monster"he says and Suzy raises the pan in the air. But I pull her into the apartment before she had the glory of hitting him again.

Chanyeol was yanking a crouched Baekhyun up from the floor. Before sighing.

"See you tomorrow" he says and I smile.

"See you tomorrow"

He dragged Baekhyun away. Before I closed the door. And turned my head to a rambling Suzy.

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