Chapter Thirteen

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Sesshomaru's Palace! Revealed!

      "Wake up, mate." Sesshomaru gently shook a sleeping Kagome, during the trip she had asked Sesshomaru if he could carry her so she could sleep and he couldn't say no to his mate when she was pupped.

     "Five more minutes." She mumbled while furrowing her brows, an act that made Sesshomaru almost crack a smile. 

     He mentally calmed down. "Are my sleeping quarters ready for use?" Sesshomaru asked two servants as they appeared and bowed before him.

     "Yes, your sleeping quarters are ready to be utilized, my lord." One answered while the other nodded.

     "May we prepare a room for the human?" The other one asked, her eyes sticking to the pavement before her.

     "She is the new Lady of the West, show some respect." Sesshomaru scolded with a tint of angriness, both servants flinched.

     "Our deepest apologies, my lord." Both replied with a deep bow.

     "Hn, send a female servant here to wait until the Lady of the West is awake so she can answer questions." Sesshomaru ordered as he set Kagome down onto their bed, walking to his study he continued. "Tell Rin I have arrived."

     "Yes, my lord." They answered together as the study door closed in their faces.

     "More paperwork. Good thing is I now have my mate to help me with this." Sesshomaru thought as he sat down, preparing to write the hour away.

~With Rin~

      "Rin, the lord has returned." A servant informed quietly as Rin stopped drawing, a smile immediately found itself on her face.

     "Finally! Oh, how I've missed him! Lord Sesshomaru, I'm coming!" Rin yelled as she bolted out the door to run to the study. "One, two, three, please don't be mad." She thought before entering the room and bowing. "My lord! You're finally back! How I've missed you!" Rin said as she started running and jumping around the room.

     "Enough Rin, now that you've  greeted me, go visit my quarters to see your new mother." Sesshomaru glanced at her, she immediately stopped and nodded.

     "Yes, Lord Sesshomaru." She answered quietly and respectfully as she walked to his quarters and entered. "KAGOME!" She yelled as she jumped on her, a big toothy grin placed on her features.

~Minutes Earlier With Kagome~

      "Where am I?" Kagome asked herself quietly as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

     "You are at Lord Sesshomaru's fortress." A female voice answered.

     "Who are you?" Kagome asked as she looked around.

     "I am someone meant to serve your every wish."

     "What's your name?" Kagome asked again as she spotted the female.

     "My name is Akiko and I am your personal servant, my Lady of the West." Akiko answered as she stood and bowed, her rose red hair falling over her shoulder.

      "You may stand, my name is Kagome so call me that." Kagome told her while yawning, a small smile coming afterwards.

     "I will call you Kagome when we are alone." Akiko answered sitting next to Kagome.

     "Thanks!" Kagome replied as she hugged Akiko, who was shocked.

     "You', Kagome."

     "I have a couple questions." Kagome confessed as she let go of Akiko.

     "You may ask me anything, Kagome."

      "KAGOME!" Rin yelled as she came in and jumped on Kagome, hugging her tightly.

     "Careful, Rin. I'm pregnant." Kagome told the little girl while hugging back, a smile gracing her.

    "I'm gonna have a brother or sister soon! Please hurry, Kagome! Jaken is annoying and mean." Rin confessed with a pout, Kagome thought it was quite adorable.

     "The baby will take its time, Rin." Kagome replied calmly while ruffling the girl's hair.

     "Mistress Rin, remember to use words adequately; gonna isn't adequate in this house." Akiko scolded her, a smile following afterwards.

     "Sorry, Akiko." Rin replied as she smiled too, she then turned to Kagome again. "Kagome we have to visit Lord Sesshomaru! Please?" Rin asked with puppy eyes, Kagome lightly chuckled.

     "Sure thing! Let me bathe and we'll be on our way." Kagome answered as she stood along with Akiko.

     "I shall guide you to the family hot springs and get your kimono." Akiko informed Kagome as she walked to a door and opened it and allowed Kagome to pass. "That's the family hot springs, take as long as you wish." Akiko added while grabbing towels and a kimono to put them near her new mistress. After Akiko left, Kagome heard her name being called by someone.


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