Chapter Eighteen

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~Minutes Earlier With Kagome~

     "Sesshomaru!" Kagome yelled as he disappeared.

     "You are alone, this is my lucky day." Naraku pondered aloud as he appeared from tree.

     "Naraku! You didn't sent a puppet?" Kagome asked, suspicious of the way he walked towards her.

     "I didn't send a puppet because I wanted to greet you personally, consider it an honor." Naraku told Kagome as he neared her.

     "Get away!" Kagome yelled as she threw a rock at him. He kept coming so she ran, Naraku released a fog to make her unconscious and it worked. She collapsed, he picked her up and left.

     "Now the trap is set..." Naraku thought aloud as he laughed maniacally.

~With Sesshomaru~

      Inuyasha had punched Koga in the jaw while Sesshomaru used his poison whip to lash out at Inuyasha. "All of you are fools."

     "Who's there?" Everyone ceased fighting before Koga asked.

     "Kikyo?" Inuyasha asked with a confused expression, he sniffed the air and sure enough, it was her.

     "So your undead miko is here? Leave Kagome alone and go with her." Sesshomaru said coldly as he pointed in Kikyo's direction.

     "How dare you call me a fool!" Koga shouted with an angry expression.

     "All of you are fools because the woman you are fighting for was just kidnapped by Naraku." Kikyo told them as she stepped out of the shadows.

     "What?" Inuyasha and Koga shouted, Sesshomaru immediately ran towards Kagome's direction.

     "Kagome?!" He yelled frantically. He yelled once, twice, thrice, no sign of her. He sniffed the air but all he could smell was Naraku's scent.

     "So I see you've finally figured out that your precious mate is in danger." Naraku sarcastically noted as he jumped down from a tree.

      "Where is Kagome?!" Koga yelled as he arrived.

     "Where is Inuyasha?" Sesshomaru asked calmly.

     "Oh him? He's with his undead miko right now." Koga answered as he shook his head right to left repeatedly.

     "Fool." Sesshomaru whispered before he lunged at Naraku.

~With Inuyasha~

      "Kikyo? Why are you helping us?" Inuyasha asked as he looked at her.

     "She is taken, Inuyasha. I know you love her but is she more important to you than I am?" Kikyo asked sadly as she walked towards Inuyasha and embraced him.

    "I... I..." Inuyasha stuttered.

     "Answer me." Kikyo ordered coldly as she pushed him away.

     "I will always love Kagome but you have a special place in my heart, you were the first woman I fell in love with." Inuyasha answered as he reached out for her.

     "Who is more important?" Kikyo asked with a serious tone and expression.

     "You are more important to me." Inuyasha answered once again.

     "Find a way to prove it, Inuyasha." Kikyo stated icily as she walked away.

     "Kikyo..." Inuyasha thought aloud. "Why are you helping us find Kagome?"

~With Kagome~

     Kagome woke up in a really comfy futon but when she moved she couldn't, she was chained to it. "I see you have finally awakened, Kagome." Naraku told her as he moved some hair out of her face. "You will die soon, be patient." He said as he stood and left the room.

     "Help me, somebody." Kagome thought as she passed out, her thoughts melting to nothing as a darkness engulfed her.

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