Chapter Twenty-Two

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     By the time Sesshomaru looked up Naraku and the others were gone, only Kikyo remained. "Y-You killed Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled with a newfound fire, his eyes glazed over with anger as his hands began trembling.

     "I will kill you." Sesshomaru stated indifferently, his hand slowly made its way to Tokijin.

     "She deserves to die! She stole Inuyasha from me and made him not care about me! Come with me Inuyasha! Her death is your fault!" Kikyo shouted as she walked towards Inuyasha and tried to embrace him, Inuyasha pushed her away with a sneer.

     "Go by yourself! You don't belong here, Kagome does. Now go before one of us kill you!" Inuyasha yelled, the anger in his eyes never disappearing.

    "You will pay for refusing! You all will die-" Kikyo started but was interrupted by Sesshomaru, who had implanted Tokijin in her chest. "Y-You killed me... all because... of my reincarnation... Naraku will destroy you... it was all... planned... all except my death..." Kikyo managed to tell them before her last soul left. "Goodbye." She mouthed before the rest of her soul left to enter Kagome.

    Everyone crowded around Kagome. "Move." Sesshomaru told them, so they did. "I will use Tenseiga to revive her." He explained as he put Tokijin back in its sheath, he quickly grabbed and used Tenseiga. He held Kagome in his arms and nuzzled her neck, not caring if they gawked.

~With Kagome~

     "When am I going to stop falling and hit the ground? I understand I am dead but this does not feel good. What? What is this? Is it... Kikyo? Who killed her? Wait a minute, I see light!" Kagome thought as the light enveloped her. She felt that her eyes were closed so she tried to open them, it was hard but she managed.

     "She's awake!"

     "Thank the heavens."

     "Sango? Miroku? Is that really you? Am I alive? How?" Kagome kept thinking as she slowly looked around.

     "We will accompany you on your journey to find Naraku." A deeper male voice told the others.


~With Sesshomaru~

     "Kagome is in my arms and she is breathing. I will have to make her mine again." Sesshomaru thought as he mentally smirked.


     "I am here, Kagome."

     "Home." Kagome told him before fainting.

     "We will go home until she feels better, we will meet you in Kaede's village." Sesshomaru told them as he picked Kagome up bridal style and left the fortress along with the others. "We will be back." He told them before he flew with Kagome in his arms.

     "Bye!" They all told him, all except Inuyasha.

     "He is thinking about the dead wench." Sesshomaru thought as he sneered.

     When they arrived Kagome had snuggled into Sesshomaru's fluff while still asleep. "Prepare our room." He told Akiko as he headed to the nursery.

     "Yes, Lord Sesshomaru." Akiko told him before she headed into their bedroom.

     "I believe she will be happy that when she awakens her first sight will be our pups." Sesshomaru thought proudly as he entered the nursery. Takeshi and Kazumi were playing around in the room. "I never got to see them, I can't believe they are not half-demons." He thought as he looked at them. Takeshi had his father's hair and the same markings except he only had one burgundy streak on his cheeks. Kazumi was exactly like Takeshi but her face resembled Kagome's, she was beautiful. "They are growing quickly, they are as tall as Kagome's knee and they can already run and walk. It has barely been 2 weeks."


     "Yes, Kagome?"

     "I'm tired, really tired. I wanna sleep on our futon." She told him as he snuggled into him even more. Sesshomaru had to bite his lip in order to not purr.

     "As you wish." Sesshomaru told her when he calmed down.

     Just after he told her Akiko came in. "Your room is ready, Lord Sesshomaru." She told him as she bowed in respect.

     "Hn." Sesshomaru told her as he exited the room to head to theirs.

     When he set Kagome down she immediately opened her eyes and pulled Sesshomaru onto the bed to sit on his waist. "I don't have the mark anymore. It's night already and it's the perfect time to make me yours again." She whispered seductively into his pointed ear.

     He almost had complied until Rin barged into their room. "Lord Sesshomaru! Lady Kagome! Finally you have come home!" She said as she jumped onto the bed with them. Kagome fake passed out to get Rin to leave.

     "Kagome is exhausted, you can talk to her tomorrow. Go to your room and sleep, it is past your bedtime Rin." He told her as she pouted and left the room.

     "That was close." Kagome whispered as she got off the futon and moved her wardrobe in front of the door. She got on the futon again and sat on Sesshomaru's waist like before. This time she kissed him and then whispered. "Let us begin."

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