Chapter Twenty-One

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Engulfed In Blackness

"He stole your precious Kagome away again? Pathetic. That, is what she is. She is pathetic. You know what? I bet she did it on her own will! That's how pathetic she is." Kikyo said monotonously as she stepped out of the shadows once more.

"Kikyo." Inuyasha exclaimed surprised.

"Yes?" Kikyo asked with a softer tone.

"Leave woman, this does not concern you. Get out of here or I myself will kill you without a second thought. You may be Inuyasha's dead wench but I won't care about that." Sesshomaru told Kikyo, eyes burning with anger and hand already on Tokijin's hilt.

"She is going to die, and then I'll finally be able to live once more. When that happens, Inuyasha, you and I can finally be together again." Kikyo told them with a small smile as she beckoned her soul collectors forward seeing that Sesshomaru was dangerous. She let them carry her away gracefully.

"K-Kikyo..." Inuyasha stuttered with a hand reaching out towards her.

"If you want to be with your dead wench go, I will be saving Kagome after I help her friends." Sesshomaru told him angrily before he began helped Miroku, Kirara, and Sango. He explained what transpired when they fully awoke. All of them looked over to Inuyasha.

"Kikyo this, Kikyo that, Kikyo everything! Don't you realize that Kikyo is why you aren't mates with Kagome! You pushed her away by going to see that clay pot! You made Kagome get captured by Naraku! Its all your freaking fault!" Sango yelled as she walked up to Inuyasha and slapped him. "I hate you for doing this to Kagome! Don't ever talk to me again!" Sango yelled as she got on a transformed Kirara, she told Miroku to sit behind her and then she waited for Sesshomaru's signal.

Koga was distracted thinking about how crazy Kagome's group was but snapped out of it due to Kirara growling at him. On Sesshomaru's signal, they all ran in the direction that the Siamyosho were flying around. Inuyasha was left behind because he wasn't paying attention to them, he was thinking about Kagome.

"Is this really all my fault? I'm sorry Kagome, I'm so very sorry... I failed you, I failed everyone by seeing Kikyo. Now you are taken, even if you don't have his mark right now you are taken. I broke your heart and he fixed it. I hope that after we save you, you can forgive me. I wish for you to be happy because if you are, I am too. I hope you live a nice life with Sesshomaru because you deserve it." Inuyasha thought before he ran and caught up with the others.

~With Kagome A Couple Minutes Ago~

"Darkness, that's all I see. What happening to me? Wait, light? There's light here? I gotta get to it. I have to get out of this!" Kagome thought as she tried to swim through the sea of darkness. "I'm in my body again! Yes! Wait, I can't move it... Sango! Miroku! Kirara! Inuyasha! Koga! Sesshomaru! What's happening to me? I can't move my body!" She kept thinking frantically.

"Kill them." Someone ordered. Her body complied and threw daggers at three figures who were Kirara, Sango, and Miroku.

"No! How is this happening? Help me! I'm so sorry you guys..." Kagome thought as she tried to move once more.

"I'm impressed Kagome." The same voice told her.

"It's Naraku! I should've known he would do something like this!" Kagome thought once more as she kept struggling.

"Kagome? Snap out of it!" Koga yelled as he stepped closer.

"I'm trying to! I promise!" Kagome thought as she tried even harder.

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