| Una. / pt. 1 |

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A/n : *Its a long chapter but it's the first half.* / also this took the place around when she was 18. So let's just say around the summertime of 2014. (the age of these characters are different than in real life cause yanno, it's fiction. k I'm done.)

| July 14, 2014 |

Who knew this would happen. He was the least person I would've expected to be involved with. No. Actually, this whole situation was the last thing on earth I could expect/maintain. I'd never call this a regret. I can't stop thinking about how shit went down.

It's been one week already. One fucking week. A week with zero communication. A week full of pure guilt, pain, sadness, tiredness of the world. Basically every other horrible emotion a human can possibly have. It's been a week since Rafa left and traveled across the world to chase his number one dream. I mean I was happy for him chasing his dreams. Just not how it ended before he left. Not only did he leave his old life, family, friends. He also left someone who's basically a part of him. It wasn't his soul, or friends, nor soulmate.

~ skip to a week back ~

| July 5, 2014 |

• Luna's pov •

I was awoken by the constant blaring noise from my phone.
"Mateo is calling."
Before I answered, I checked the time, 10:45. "FUCK IM LATE!!!" I was suppose to go to tia Valeria's at 9 to settle the party for Rafa, for his going. Once I answered, I was greeted by my brother Teo's voice screaming through the other line.


Luna : " I know I'm sorry I swear I thought I had my alarm set." I tried to answer calmly.

Teo : " Well next time don't stay up till 3 am watching Netflix and munching on my chips that I knew you ate." chuckled Teo.

Luna : " Don't tell me how to live my life ma'am."

Teo : " First of all, I am a sir. Second of all, you better hurry your ass up we don't have time since this was YOUR idea. te quiero mocosa. adiós." (i love you brat. bye.)

( a/n : in the story Luna and family & others will speak a few Spanish or Portuguese words/phrases in their sentences. Carry on.)

Luna : "Whatever, te quiero también niño adoptado." ( I love you too adopted child.)

Teo : "Excuse—"

I hung up.

After I rushed to get dressed and skipped breakfast which is rarely to do, I rushed down to tia Valeria's to settle this party. 'Damn. throwing a party for my best friend leaving me. That's not a great party to throw.' I thought.

Once I got there, I was greeted everyone and started decorating and cooking. That's right I can cook. Just kidding, I'm helping lolll. I was helping my mother make Rafa's Mexican dessert that my mother is special for. Tres leches! fuckkkk it's the bomb. Thaisa was helping Valeria make brigadeiro which is hella bomb  too. "Okay, so we have half an hour until Rafa & Tio Iomar come back from Barcelona so Im going to be heading to the airport. Meanwhile, everyone finish the touches and put on your jerseys." said tia Valeria.
"Is Thi coming as well tia?" Teo asked. My stomach instantly dropped and a wave of guilt hit me. it's been 3 years since I've seen him.

a/n : I'm soooooo sorry it's extremely long but I'm starting out my story with long chapters and narrow the length down a little depending.

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thank you! 💕
~ izzzaaaayy 😅

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