| Doce. |

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Luna's Pov 

"Here take these now and leave them in the bathroom and come out so we can talk." She said as she threw the two boxes of the pregnancy tests.

I took the boxes and went into the bathroom and locked it. Please god tell me this is all a dream. I carefully took one out along with the instructions. How the hell do you work this? Is it like tampon? I started reading the instructions carefully. Whoa well now I know it's definitely not a tampon. I don't know stuff like this. So I started to pee on it extremely awkwardly.

( Mariana's pov)

I sat on her bed waiting for her. Please tell me God she isn't pregnant, she can't maintain a child when she's a child herself. She still has college to finish and we can't let her make the same mistake Teo made when he was her age which was dropping out of school. Our parents were so disappointed in him and that's why he's living with me because he didn't have his shit together and I'm helping him and he's getting better. But Luna is much smarter than this I know she is. Although, it'd be kinda cool if we had a small kid around. Who knows maybe our parents could be happy. I know I would be but she's too young plus we don't even know the father. Unless it is who I think it is. 'I will kick his ass.' I thought.

• Luna's Pov  •

After I took the first one, I set it down and put the timer on and left it on the counter and walked out to Mari. I'm so fucking scared. When I opened the door I saw her sitting on the edge of bed with her hands to her forehead as if she was praying. Damn I never seen her like this. I slowly walked towards her sat next to her in silence. It was a minute of silence and I was interrupted by my stomach wanting to be emptied out again. I ran to the bathroom and started spilling out everything out of my system. I heard footsteps approaching towards me and I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was my sister holding the test with the sign (-). I jumped around with joy and happy that I wasn't pregnant and it's just bug. Meanwhile Mari stood there staring at the test with a blank expression.

'Por que no estas contento de que no estoy emabarazada?" I said in confusion.

"Because I don't believe it." Mari said.

"What? Are you upset that I didn't get pregnant? Most people are glad that their baby sister doesn't turn out to be pregnant especially at 18." I said.

"It's not that I'm not upset, it's that I don't believe it." Okay..

"Anyways I gotta go. Mateo called earlier and he needs help on something." She said and left.

Well she left all this food. Sure am starving.


| Rafa's Pov |

I came home to Gabi watching a movie and covered with the blankets and duvets. Funny thing is she was watching White chicks. What are the odds right?

"Hola." I said giving her a peck.

"Hola meu amor. How was training?" She asked.

"Shit." I mumbled.


" I don't want to talk about it. Anyways I'm going to shower and let's get ready to go somewhere."  I smiled.

"Where to?" She asked.

"Whatever you want. I just don't feel like being at home."

"How about we go out to eat and we grab some junk food and watch some movies here?" she smiled.

Thats what Luna suggested..

"Sure." I fake smiled but hopefully she believed it.

I went upstairs to hop into the shower but before I grabbed my things, I received a skype call.

'Shit I hope it's not Lu. Nows not a good time.'

I ran to my laptop that was sitting on my bed and looked at the screen.

'Mariana Alvarez is calling."

Translations : "Por que no estas contento de que no estoy emabarazada?" | Why aren't you glad that I am not pregnant?

A/n : Short chapter kind of day. For the next few chapters I think it'll mostly be Luna's Pov cause more is coming but I'll try my best to include a lot of Rafinha!
By the way, I'll put in some song recommendations to listen to depending on the chapters. I have both English and Spanish. Which one do you prefer? Or both? Anyways,

Give it vote/comment!

- Izzzaaaayy

Camila | Rafinha Alcántara (ON A HEIST)Where stories live. Discover now