| Diecinueve. |

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• Luna's Pov •

After I was done with my little "sickness" we continued to drive Mari's house. I forgot Mateo has his days off for the next 2 days. I don't want to see him.
"Mari take me home please." I said calmly as possible. "Wait why if we—."  "Please Mari." I cut her off. She turned and continued on the street that goes to my house. Finally I got home and just slept for days. I don't know what to do. I don't even know if I should keep it or give it up. I can't tell my parents now. But I need to tell my tia even if it involves her son.

I don't know how she'll take it but I feel she'll understand. But I don't want her to tell Raf about it even if that's her son. I don't even want to tell him. I mean I want to but I can't and we won't. He just started his career that he has always wanted and I can't ruin that. He worked so hard, that he doesn't need a distraction. Hell, he probably doesn't even want a child. He's 17 for god's sake. I know I will regret not telling him about it but I'll just have to wait when it's time. I don't know when, maybe it'll take years. I don't know how he won't know considering he's close to my family, but I will. I'm sorry Raf.

~ 2 weeks later ~
( 07/29/14 )

Today is my mom's birthday so we decided to have a party in our huge backyard. Teo and I were doing decorations while Mari was helping our mom get ready and my dad is cooking as a present for my mom since he rarely ever cooks, 'better be good food cause I'm starving as hell right now. Damn you baby, you're gonna get me fat and emotional. But I'll always love you.' I thought while looking down at my flat stomach which will soon to be a huge bump.

Anyways back to the birthday girl ha. My mom is turning 36. Hella young right? She had Teo at 15, Mari at 16, me at 17 but they were gonna turn 18 that year. I don't know why my parents decided to have their 3 kids before the age of 20. My poor grandparents man. What's worse is that now they have a granddaughter who is a pregnant teen as well. I just realized that I got pregnant around the same age as when my mother got pregnant with me. What are the odds.. Shoutout to Rafa for not waiting 30 years or better, not do it at all. But I mean it's also my fault for being stupid.

The party has started and all my moms family and friends are everywhere also, I  forgot to mention the grandparents of my child, or I mean our child. Are also here. It feels cringy to see it that way. Becoming a mom hasn't hit me yet. Literally 20 minutes ago I drank a sip of alcohol and completely forgot I had a child in me. As you can see I'm already a terrible mom. I'm scared I won't get my shit together by the time it comes.

I was sitting down with my long time best friend. Not him. Her name is Valentina but I call her Vale for short. She moved to Spain 2 years ago due to attending a university out there. She never mentioned what part of Spain she's living in but I've always wanted to go to Spain and study at a uni. Now I can't.

"So anything interesting going on with you? Specifically any guy in your life? Or girl, don't worry I'd still support you!" She cheered, making my eyes widen. "Nah I'm still single and straight." I chuckled. "How about you? I know you found someone, It says all over your face." I smirked. "Well.. there is one guy.." She mumbled looking at the ground. "HOLY DAMN! WHO IS IT?! SHOW MEEE THE FACEEE!" I screamed. She took out her phone and pulled up an Instagram photo and handed me the phone. "OH MY GOD, HES SOOO FIREEE!!!" I whined. "First, who the hell says the word fire? Second, aye watch it, he's mine and only mine." She said putting her phone to her heart protectively giving me a stern eye. (if that makes sense lol.) 

A/n : Idk why I'm adding this but, Offending the LGBT community is NOT my intention. If anyone is thinking that little sentence is offensive, that's not my intention, cause like I support them all the way so no arguments about the topic, though I doubt that'll happen lol. K I'm done now lol proceed.  

"Chill girl, I have someone." I blurted out. "I thought you said you were single?" She questioned. "Yeah I was lying." I actually lied. I didn't realize that someone is the reason why I'm pregnant and I can't tell her cause not even my family knows. "Well show me him and tell me all about it!!!" she squealed. "Uhm .. yea sure he's uh tall and pretty." I fake smiled. "Whoa baby sis, you got a man and you didn't introduce us to him?!" Teo joined in. Crap. "Yeah I was shocked too and he seems pretty cute by Luna's descriptions" Vale said, quoting the word descriptions. "Well let's meet him then." Teo said. "I—um—I—." I couldn't finish my sentence cause I felt a warm liquid rising up my throat. I ran inside and to the bathrooms and puked everything I just ate. I took a deep breath afterwards and threw up again. 2 minutes later Teo bursts through the door and runs towards me.

"What's wrong?!" He asked concerned. "It—It's nothing just a bug I th—" I was interrupted again by my stomach being emptied out. "That's it I'm calling mom up here. MOM" He shouted. 1 minute later my mom comes running in seeing all my guts in the toilet. "QUE PASO HIJA?!" She freaked out. Before I said anything Mari runs inside with a horrified look, seeing Teo and our mom seeing this and them not knowing the reason. This is like a damn full house in here. All of a sudden I felt the walls getting closer and the room getting smaller. I started freaking out, breathing shortly but trying my best to take big breaths. Everything was getting smaller and blurrier. "Mom what's happening?!?!" I cried obviously freaking out. Eventually everything turned pitch black.

A/n : Sorry for any errors again.
This is a shitttty chapter I'm sorry :/ . I've been having a writers block for this part lol. School starts soon for me so I'm gonna kms. I'm scared if I start lagging and I don't wanna lol. Anyways, that's Valentina up there in the photo.^ the actual person's Instagram is @ chachigonzales | there's a little twist to it later in the story but not as big. 😅

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- Izzzaaaayy

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