| Veintiuno. |

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{ Teo's Pov }

Once we got to the main hallway, our parents and tia Valeria were sitting on the chairs looking down. "What happen?" I asked. "She's fine now but she needs to rest. We can see her in about an hour." My dad said. "Well Mari has something to tell you guys." I said and pushed her towards them, making her stumble. "What is it?" My mom looked up with her face stained from the tears. "Uhm yeah well—" I cut her off cause I knew she would try to avoid the question. "She knew Luna was pregnant this whole time and didn't bother to tell us." I said, making everyone's eyes widen. "WHAT?!?" Everyone said in unison.

"Thanks puto." She glared at me. "Mariana what the hell were you thinking?!" Dad yelled. "Why didn't you guys tell us, or better yet, why did you guys do this?!" Mom screamed. "Why don't you ask your other daughter and Rafael instead of yelling at me for some shit that had nothing to do with me." She barked at them. "WHAT?!" Tia said. "Rafael did this?!" She continued. "Sim.." Mari said looking down. "It actually had to do something with you because you're the only one who knew. No wonder it was so suspicious when our family doctor called you that day." I said. "When can you learn to shut the fuck up." She growled. "When can you learn to be responsible?" I snapped. "Uhm me look at y-"
"Luna is awake now, you guys can come in now." The doctor interrupted. We all ran in the room.

• Luna's Pov •

"Where am I?" I asked a figure who seemed to be the doctor. "You're in the hospital dear." I looked around the room and back to the nurse with a horrified look. "Wait, why?" I questioned. "You collapsed due to dehydration and somehow almost put your child at risk." She said. Baby? Baby... oh fuck I almost killed my child again. I need my mom. Oh shit do they know?!?!? I was interrupted by my parents bursting through the door and ran to my side, giving me hugs while Teo and Mari are bickering about God knows what.

"Are you okay mija?" My mom asked worriedly. "Si.." I mumbled. After my parents continued asking questions. "So I hear we're having an addition to the family Luna." Teo interrupted, making the room dead silent.
"W—what?.." I played dumb. "Don't act like you're so goddamn innocent." He spat. "MATEO ENOUGH." Mari yelled.
"WE'VE ALL HAD ENOUGH OF YOU. AS A MATTER OF FACT, WE HAD ENOUGH OF THE BOTH OF YOU." He shouted to Mari. "By the way, thanks for ruining the family and ruining our parents expectations of having the perfect child Luna." He said, heading towards the door. "Don't forget Mateo you turned out to be the child who ruined our grandparents expectations." Mari spat. "MARIANA!" My parents yelled. I had nothing to say besides developing tears, now all this is happening right now.

I tried to hold my tears back but it's now impossible. Pretty soon I started quietly sobbing while my parents were arguing outside the room. Mariana was sitting in the arm chair with her legs up to her chest and staring at the ground. About a minute later Tia Valeria came in. "May I speak with Luna privately mija?" She said to Mari. "Sure." She mumbled and left the room. After she shut the door, tia Valeria sighed. "Before you say anything tia, please do not tell Rafael or Thiago yet. You or Tio and Thaisa. Please, just not right now." I pleaded.
"Lu, my son is the father of this child. I am not happy right now due to how the situation ended up with. We know you also don't want your child to grow up without a father. It was hard for the boys when me and your tio divorced. Especially on Raf. Imagine how my grandchild will feel. Please just—"

"Tia por favor. I will tell him but not right now. You know this child will affect his career that he worked so much on. This child will grow up with a father but not right now. I don't know how we're gonna keep it away from Raf and Thi, but I need you guys to not tell. Please out of respect. I promise you this child will be in Rafa's life. I'm just not ready for him to all of the sudden give up his career and come back to me though he has someone else  in his life as well,  just for a mistake he had made and doesn't want. If you don't agree with all this feel free to not be beside me and leave me behind and pretend you never knew me." I said.

"Luna, your tio and I basically raised you as well when your parents worked so much when she had the three of you. I would never throw away 18 years worth of having you guys. You guys are my children and I will never leave my children. Am I happy you're doing this? Never. But out of respect I don't have a choice. Never call your child a mistake Luna Marie. God makes things happen for a reason. This isn't a mistake. It's just the wrong time to happen. Rafael loved you. He still does and I beg if he knew, he'd fly here from Spain in a heartbeat. Promise me you'll have him in this child's life. Lu this is a selfish thing to do. Imagine how upset he'll be that his own family kept this. I'll never forgive myself." She started tearing up.

"I—I'm sorry Tia." I sniffled. "But I'm not ready and neither is he. I promise though he'll come when I'm ready. This is selfish I know but I can't do this to him. But one day." I continued.

"You're gonna have to talk to your family and all of us about this when you come home." She sighed. "Will do." I mumbled. "Tchau." She said and left.

I'm sorry Raf.

A/n : I know I'm the shittiest write ever, I know probably some people stopped reading this story due to the fact I don't update quickly. I'm sorry. School started 4 days ago and it's been one hell of those 4 days. So much happened and I never had time to update. I wrote little by little but never finished it in a day. I'm sorry this is the shittiest chapter but I'll try and improve. I'm sorry. 😕

- Izzzaaaayy

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