| Cuarenta y nueve. |

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March 5, 2015

On February 12th, 2015 at 3:34, my first born daughter, Camila Giovanna Alvarez - Alcantara do Nascimento was born. Today is March 5th, 3 weeks later and today was the day I get to finally hold her.

Mateo, Mari and I were on our way to bring Mila home. My mom, Valeria and Thaisa were at my mom's house and we would meet them there when I got her. We finally got to the hospital and I started to feel a mixture of anxiety and excitement.

"I can't wait to finally hold my niece!" Teo explained.

"Hey remember when you weren't excited for her?" Mari said.

"Shut up." He barked causing me to roll my eyes. We signed in and got into the elevator. As we waited Mari and Teo were bickering who was going to be the favorite.

"Are you guys going to be like this around her?" I said, irritated.

"No" They said in unison.

"I hope not." I muttered as I walked out of the elevator.

"Hey Mila, it's me your tio Mateo aka your favorite tio." Mateo said pulling out a camera.

"Where'd you get that cam-"

"And this is your tia Mari who doesn't stop asking stupid questions." He clung his arm around her shoulder.

"And that is your mama who looks like she hasn't slept in months!" He exclaimed pointing the camera at me.

"Today is March 5th, three weeks later and we are on our way to take you home!" He said looking at the camera as Mari and I rolled our eyes. The elevator opened to reveal the room filled with babies.

"Dr. Munoz?" I called out as we got into the office.

"Luna! Are your ready?" He asked as he went for a hug.

"More than ready." I said. He led us to her room and there she was wrapped in her hospital blanket with her tiny beanie.

"Oh my baby." I gushed.

"Hi mamas, it's me!" I cooed softly.

"Can I see her bag?" I asked Teo as he took it off. I was going to change her into some comfortable  clothes.

"I'm going to change into some comfy clothes okay?" I cooed as I unwrapped her blanket, exposing her to the cool air. She started to slightly cry.

"Sh sh it's okay hermosa, I'm just changing you." I cooed softly.

"Let me help." Mari said. After changing her, I sat down in this rocking chair as I rocked her to sleep.

"I remember when I delivered all you three." Dr. Munoz sat down across from me.

"You went through the same. Except you lasted months." He continued.

"My mother almost died didn't she." I said softy, rocking the baby.

"She did for 15 minutes. But she was a strong woman and she made it." He smiled.

"I'll put her in her carseat." Mari said as I handed her to Mari gently.

"Your father would've been proud." He looked at the baby.

"And I will tend to do so." I got up.

"I'm glad." He said

"Thank you so much Dr. Munoz" I hugged him.

"I think it's time you can call me Carlos." He laughed.

"Thank you Carlos." I said.

"I will see you guys in a few months. Good luck although you will do just fine." He said as he walked out.

Camila | Rafinha Alcántara (ON A HEIST)Where stories live. Discover now