| Treinta y cinco. |

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"What the fuck Rafael" Ney said.

"Is this a joke?" Dani asked.

"You're still a kid yourself Rafael!" Marc scolded.

"Is this forreal?" I heard Denis ask. I hesitated whether or not to say yes. I looked at the paper once more.

"I guess so." I finally answered.

"Rafael, in my office in 5." I heard Luis say. I folded the paper and put it in my pocket and put the envelope in my bag. I grabbed my phone to check the time and saw a message from Mariana?

M: "Call me now."
R: "Give me 20."

I walked into Enriquez's office and shut the door and sat down. He pinches the bridge of his nose and hasn't said a word for a bit.

"You do realize you haven't even played your first game yet and there may be a chance of already having gossip written about you on articles." He said.
"Yes." I responded.
"What are you going to do?" He asked.
"Because I don't need this type of drama in my club." He continued.
"And I don't wanna bring any of it into this." I cut him off.
"You're barely 17 and you're barely building up your career. You need to fix this, otherwise it'll face some consequences that'll affect you."
"You're dismissed from training."
I got up and walked out of the office into the locker room. I grabbed my bag and clothes and headed outside. I decided to dial Mariana.

"Hey is everything okay?" I asked.
"Yo what the hell?!" she exclaimed.
"I saw the article." She said.
"WHAT? It's already out??" I freaked out.
"Oh so it is true. I should have known that-"
"No wait let me ex-"
"I'm not telling Luna. But just watch when she finds out."
"No Mari wai-"
*call ends*
"Fuck" I muttered.

***The next day***
Rafs pov

Today was our yearly photoshoot as a team as well as my photos for my debut.
We were on our way to this local professional studio where they take our pictures. Everyone was pretty much avoiding me. Well only a few. I brushed it off because I feel like it isn't true. But then again it has been a few weeks. I don't know. We get there and went to go change into our uniforms. Afterwards we go to the main part of the studio where it had all the green screens or what not.

"Alright boys we will be taking a few shots as a whole and then we will pull out some to get a few action shots then pull out individuals and I think we shoul- Rafael?? Is that you?" This unfamiliar woman asked.

"That's me? Who are you?" I asked.

"It's Lety? We went to school back in Sao Paulo. It was me, you, Lu and my brother Ernesto."

"That's right! How's Ernesto?" I asked.

"He's doing pretty good. He's training to become an official detective." She said.
"Oh really Can I get his number so we can catch up?" I asked.
"For sure." She smiled as she gave me a piece of paper and gave her a hug.
"So what? You get a random girl  pregnant and you are already off getting another girl's number?" Denis scoffed.
"Enough" Leo said as I rolled my eyes.

After the shoot I race home to figure this shit out.

"Ay Ernie Como você está?" I asked
"Ay Rafinho muito bom e você?" He asked
"I'm alright. Listen before we catch up can you do me a favor?"
"Hit me"
"Listen, a few weeks ago I went out to go party to celebrate my trade with Fcb but I got a little too much fun and most likely slept with someone. But the thing is I don't remember but I do know that I didn't tell her my name.. And the same girl showed up to our training, not knowing who I am and claims that I got her pregnant and handed me an envelope that had some sort of ultrasound and a note that contained a threat. Can you do some digging about this because this makes zero sense and I trying to keep this on a down low please."  I begged.

"Whoa, irmao that seems like a big case for me to open up when I am barely starting." he said.
"But I will see what I can do." He continued.
"Thank you so much, I owe you a big one." I thanked.
"No sweat, send Lu my greetings." He said before he hung up.

I opened the safari app to look up what Mari was talking about and I came across an article about me.

"Fc Barcelona new born star Rafinha Alcantara already settled in and is becoming a new dad?"
Rumors say that the 17 year old upcoming footballer star is expecting a baby with a rumored one night fling or other sources claimed his long time girlfriend Laura DeVichino, 20. Looks like he is settling in too quick. Is the team ready for a Rafinha Junior to kick butt in the field along with his father? Will the baby become best buds with Thiago Messi? More to come soon.

This is all bad. I really hope Luna hasn't seen this yet. I don't know who to go to. I have a strong feeling that this suppose child is not mine. But then again I was drunk off my ass when this happened. This is why I don't party.

3 weeks later.

It's been a few weeks since Laura showed up and announced the news and I have been with her ever since, going to her appointments like she said and basically fathering. Ever since though she has changed and I kinda get a feeling it may be true after all. It will be hard to balance but it is my responsibility. My parents found out and they cried and not in a good way. They stopped talking to me for a while until recently since they are flying out here soon for my debut. I haven't spoken to Thiago in a while. Ever since he left to Munich we just lost contact. Sort of feels like I don't have a brother at all. I'm sure he found out about the news from my parents or from more tabloids and I'm sure he is disappointed or worse, not care. Only times we actually talk and spend time is holidays and birthdays.

I was a dinner with the whole team and the WAGs, to hype ourselves up for our first official game of the season and I could not be happier. I recieve a call from an unknown number. I excuse myself and head outside.

"Hello?" I said confused.
"Ay Rafinho it's me Ernie, I'm using my work phone" He said.
"Hey Ernie what's up"
"Remember the favor you asked a few weeks ago?" He asked. Holy shit I forgot all about it.
"Well sorry for the extreme delay but we had to crack open a case back here in the states but listen I did some digging and I found some stuff. Still want it?"
I was hesitant because I felt like everything is going okay and everyone is okay with it.
"Uh sure" I hesitated.
"Listen my partner's dad was part of this case a few years back with this family and well for starters her name is actually Lavinia Giada DeVichino Russo. She is part Italian and Spanish but was born here in the States. She is 25 years old and her father is known to be the Al Capone of Italy but moved to Chicago when she was born. Only reason how I found so much information is because I pulled up any familiar records under the name Laura but the system pulled up Lavinia instead but with the same last name and photos matched. Her father was a mobster but passed away when she was 5 but many family members are around. She moved to Spain to escape all the problems that her family was in but I found an article in the newspaper a few years back that her family made an investment with another mobster family to create some business but her family caused major bankruptcy and embezzlement which pissed off the other family who are tough shit and it is what caused her dad's death. Oh and I found a facebook account with her birth name and she has another boyfriend who is engaged with and there are posts where it seems like that guy is the father of the child. All I need from you is to secretly ask for a DNA testing without her knowing."

"Wow.." Is all I could say.
"I know it is a lot to take in but I had to wipe out a lot of info because I am not allowed to open any of these cases."
"Thanks irmao, i will keep you updated." I said in shock.
"Anytime, if you need anything else, call me." He said as he ended the call.
I walk back in the restaurant and excused myself to leave.
"Everything alright?" Ney asked.
"Perfect." I answered simply. I went to my chair next to Laura and told her that my mom flew in and she needed me asap.
"Listen I gave Ney money to get you an Uber. I have to go, Im sorry." I lied.
"Okay, Love you." She said as I pretended I did not hear.

I don't know what to do.

Camila | Rafinha Alcántara (ON A HEIST)Where stories live. Discover now