| Cincuenta y seis. |

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"Luna are you ready yet!?" Mateo whines.

"Yes, I'm changing Mila hold on!" I shouted. We decided to all take a trip down to the beach we used to always go, with my grandparents and some aunts.

"Can you grab my backpack babe?" I asked Axel as I put Mila in her little 2 piece and headed out.


(We gonna pretend they're speaking in spanish hehe)

"Just like how I remembered" I look at the clear blue water with kids jumping in and out.

"It's been a while hasn't it?" My abuelo sits down next to me in the sand.

"Years." I responded. I look around the water to see Axel holding Mila near the water as Mari is trying to record. I laugh at how Mari is failing miserably due to Mila's cries as Axel is trying to calm her down.

"Does Rafael know about this?" My abuelo speaks out.

"No clue that she exists.." I sigh.

"When will he?" He questions.

"One day."

"That one day.. When he finds out.. He's never going to forgive you Luna Marie. God knows when he finds out whether it's 5 days from now, 5 months, even 5 years from now.. Every second of his daughter smiling, walking, talking.. He's missed out and he'll never get that time back. And it won't be his fault." He lectures.

"Abuelo, I know." I say in annoyance.

"I don't believe he's at the right stage to be in his role. If he can't treat me right or even let me have a second, what makes you think he would for Camila? The fact that my father has to be dead in order for him to humane." I scoffed.

"Your father wasn't perfect either.. His reaction wasn't the best. Seeing my little girl come to our door crying that he left her. Soon as he realized that was going to be his child forever, he immediately snapped and became the best he could be. That was when I knew I trusted him again." He turns to me as I continued burying my feet in the sand. I felt the tears building up when he mentioned my father but I did my best to hold it in and enjoy the moments we're living in.

"Don't let her get too comfortable with him mija..."



"Yes mi amor?" I cooed.

"How does this look?" She turns around revealing her purple skirt with bright pink rain boots.

"Beautiful" I chuckled as I watched her check herself in the mirror once again.

"Are you guys read- What are you wearing Mila?" Luna crosses her arms.


"You're not wearing that" Luna walks over to her closet to pick out an outfit.

"But papa says I look beautiful!" She argues.

"And you do.. But you can't wear that to your kindergarten graduation mamas." Lu kneels down

"Papa!" Mila whines.

"Cmon babe, she doesn't look bad.." I persuade earning a glare from her.

"Next time okay?" She softly says.

"Papa save me!" She jumps into my arms.

"Mila!" Lu whines. I walk to the bed to place Mila down as she would not let go.

"I got you now!" Lu tickles her as she immediately lets go and bursts into laughter.

"MAMA THAT TICKLES!" She screams as she continued tickling her.

Camila | Rafinha Alcántara (ON A HEIST)Where stories live. Discover now