| Cuarenta y cinco. |

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"Do you still need this?" My mom asked, holding a teddy bear.

"YES!" I said as I snatched it.

"Luna you're not 5. " Mateo laughed causing me to flip him off.

About a week ago I finally got the apartment after weeks of waiting. Everyone immediately started to rush me to pack my things. They said because my procrastination was that bad, they wanted me on the move fast. We were cleaning out my room every last bit that was left over and getting rid of things I don't need as well as separating the stuff I will take to the new apartment. We already packed the baby's room 2 days ago and is now painted all white. It sort of upsetted me but change is good. My bed was already at the apartment meaning I had to sleep there tonight. I'm a little scared considering the fact that I now have to get used to not having my mom around me.

"I think we should call it a day and head home." Mateo announced.

"Yeah I'm really tired." Mari yawned.

"Just help me with these boxes and I'll get going" I said as I picked up a lightweight box and headed to my car. I closed the door and opened the drivers to start it.

"Thank you guys" I hugged them.

"I love you mom" I said as I hugged her. I went into the car and drove away. From here to the apartment was a good 30 minutes away but it goes by fast.

I got home and held 3 boxes, struggling to press the elevator. "Here I got it" A guy said. The door opened as I went inside. "Thank you" I smiled. "No worries, welcome to the Marbella." He smiled as I thanked him. I put the boxes down as I pressed the number 12 button as the door closed. Wow that neighbor was cute.
The elevator door opened to my floor as I sighed and picked up those boxes. I walked 6 doors down until I reached my door. I dropped my boxes down as I got my key to unlock it. Once I did I was too tired to pick the boxes up so I just kicked them inside. I threw my keys on the table as I sighed in frustration. My apartment looked so empty with only just a dining table and a few chairs. My fridge wasn't even filled with anything besides yogurt and eggs. I looked at my watch and saw the time. 9:57 p.m. I went to my bathroom to wash my face and get ready for bed. As I finished my routine, I got in my bed and scrolled through social media. I still didn't have my wifi set up until friday but thank god for unlimited. After a few minutes of scrolling, I put my phone down and tried to sleep. But I kept tossing and turning and throw my blankets. I feel so uncomfortable. I tried shifting my weight on a different side but my back wouldn't stop hurting.

"Yeah fuck it." I muttered as I threw my covers off and put my sandals on. I couldn't sleep so might as well start unpacking. I took a few of my clothes and hung them in my closet and folded others. I organized all my shoes by style and color because yes, I am an OCD person. After filling in all my drawers, I headed to the bathroom to clean and put all my stuff in.
I had 2 more boxes left so I went to go see what I had. The last box was some of the baby's stuff and extras. I set that box aside and opened the other. It was filled with books and pictures. I tilted my head in confusion because I don't remember packing this. I didn't even know we had this. It must've been my mom. I took a picture frame out and it was a picture of my godparents and I went they took me on trips every time they visited us. I took out another one and it was a picture of my siblings, parents and I when we went to DisneyLand in California. I smiled because I remembering it was my first time flying on a plane, to the US and I remembering being so scared that were going to die. I took a few frames out and set them on my shelves downstairs. I went back up to see this book I had. I opened the book to see a few photos of my quinceanera that I had in Mexico. I remembered that day so clearly as if it was yesterday.



"SHE'S GETTING HER DRESS DONE ALEC ESPERA!" My mom yelled, hair spraying my hair. I felt so sticky and gross. My mom didn't have the chance to have a quince for Mariana and so the minute she had me, she was probably planning this day since I was like 9 years old. The dress was so tight and I couldn't breathe.

Camila | Rafinha Alcántara (ON A HEIST)Where stories live. Discover now