| Cincuenta y tres. |

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wow i just realized i messed up the title LMAOO my bad y'all. carry on.

Few weeks later.

June 9 2015.

Tonight Lilah was leaving... again.

After the last arguement we had about the dinner and stuff, I managed to stop drinking for a few weeks although I've had the temptation several times, I don't want to mess things up with her. We hit our 4 month mark so this means a lot. Now it's just the matter of not relapsing the second she leaves. I've realize throughout the few weeks that I haven't touched a bottle I feel more relieved and my trainings have improved. The only thing that hasn't improved is my relationship with Ney. I haven't talked to him since that night and trainings have been the same ever since. I just brush it off because what more can I do.

"Babe we have to get going, I'm already late." Lilah walks down the stairs with her suitcases.

"I don't mind if you miss it." I smiled, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"How cute.. Let's go." She poked my nose before escaped my grasp. I sighed as I helped her load my car.

"Flight 0212 to Los Angeles is boarding in 2 minutes. Please proceed to gate 2B immediately." The intercom announced.

"She is such a buzzkill" I whined.

"I love you." She looked at me. I looked at her in shock because she knew I wasn't prepare for it. She looked at me with anticipation waiting for what might happen. A big smile appears in my face.

"I love you too." I kissed her.

"Flight 0212 to Los Angeles is now boarding."

"Shit I have to go." She jumped.

"Uhm bye meu amor." She started to run.

"I love you!" She turned around, almost tripping. I shook my head as I laughed. I feel lucky.

Once I got home those feelings suddenly vanished. I tried to watch some tv in hopes that it distracts my thoughts of being alone again. I started the shake my left leg anxiously.

'You're nobody now Rafael' My conscious told me. I scoffed as I tried to ignore my conscious. I guess just one wouldn't hurt.. Right? I got up quickly and went to my hard liquor cupboard. I got a bottle of bourbon and poured it in my ice filled cup, halfway. I stared at it debating whether or not it was worth it. No one is here so it shouldn't hurt anyone. I moved the cup in a circular motion as I watched the ice move in a circle. I took a deep breath and took a swig of it and place it on the table. That's it for tonight. I went to my room and decided to finally looked through my unopened box. I sat in my closet as I took out the memories.

 I sat in my closet as I took out the memories

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Camila | Rafinha Alcántara (ON A HEIST)Where stories live. Discover now