| Diez. |

611 17 3

July 7, 2014
5:30 am.

| Rafa's Pov |

' Today's the day. I officially leave Brazil, family/ friends, my old life behind. Even Luna.' I thought. I leave to Barcelona today and start a new life and career along with Neymar. He's the only piece of home I'd be taking with me along this journey. I'm happy we'll be teammates and play in the best football team, across the world. Not going to lie though, I'm not happy about leaving my old life behind and also, Luna. What she said hurt me a lot but it wouldn't have happened if I wasn't so stupid and started all this. I still love her. I tried to shake those thoughts off and continue to get everything ready.

" Ready to leave this place meu amor!" Gabriela giggled.

"No." my mind says.

"Yes, meu amor."  I said out loud.

I went to Thaisa's room and woke her up, letting her know I'll be leaving. I hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek. After, I put our last suitcase in my parent's car and sat in the back of the car between Gabi & Neymar.

" Vocês estão preparados?" Pai said.

"Sim." We all said unison.

During the 45 minute ride, Neymar was listening to music and looked deep into thoughts. Gabi, was scrolling through her medias. I laid my head back, looking at the roof of the car and sighed. This is it. I haven't even gotten any calls/texts from Luna. She was suppose to come with my parents as well.

"Por que não Luna vir?" Mãe asked. It's like she read my mind. Of course Luna wouldn't come after all what happened. Not to mention its 5 am and she always wakes up around 2 in the afternoon. But right now I don't think she cares. I felt Gabi tense up when mãe mentioned Luna. I rolled my eyes.

"Ela me mandou uma mensagem na noite passada e disse que ela não se sentia bem." I lied.

"Oh isso é muito ruim . Vou deixá- la saber que você disse adeus e enviou um pouco de amor." Pai said while parking the car at the airport. Mãe turned to me with a raised eyebrow. What is she thinking? Once we parked, and unloaded all our suitcases.

Neymar was the first to say goodbyes to my parents and hugged them. Gabriela just shook their hands and said goodbye as well. Mãe pulled me aside. 'What the hell' I thought.

"Não pense que eu não sei nada entre você e luna." she said. She took me by surprise. I hope she doesn't lecture me.

"Raf, I know you love her. I know what you're doing and this not you. She called me last night crying and telling me the story. Don't get angry at her for it. Its better than keeping this a secret from me. I don't have time to continue. But I know that finding someone quickly won't make you change your feelings for her. I hope you can stop lying to yourself."  She quietly said while softly squeezing my shoulder.

"You don't know my point of view. No one does. No one knew how I felt seeing the person I loved, be forced with my brother. Now that I found someone, everyone's upset with me and I don't understand that." I replied.

"I may not know your perspective, and we're sorry for that. We feel Gabriela isn't the one for you. Now I don't want to leave you with an argument, but your flight is almost here so, I love you very much meu filho. Take care and call us everyday. I wish you the best of luck with your career and we'll be there. Eu te amo meu filho."

I'm so pissed everyone is against Gabi. she makes me happy. I think.

"Eu também te amo mãe."
I decided to take a photo with Ney and post, before we leave. Afterwards, I hugged mãe and pai. And we left. Off to Barcelona..

• Luna's Pov •

I woke up with a massive headache. I didn't drink though. But then I remembered last night's events. I checked my phone. 9:15. That's it. He left. I received zero calls/texts from him. 'Of course he wouldn't Luna you fucking hurt him.'  My conscience said. I wanted to text him so bad and wish him good luck but I didn't have the balls to. I scrolled through my social medias and happened to see Rafa posted a photo. My stomach dropped. But I couldn't help but crack a smile to see him and Ney. I already miss them..

I got up to use the bathroom and I felt a wave of dizziness hit my body. Probably got up too fast. It was long until the dizziness went away. I went to the bathroom and I shut the door and slowly dragged my body down the wall and sat up with my knees up to my chest. All of the sudden I started to sob. I don't even know why I got all emotional. Just thinking about how I missed my opportunity to say goodbye made my sob even more. After I was done, I was greeted by Teo and Mari giving me a worried and serious face. 'How the hell did they get here?' I thought.

"Morning to you guys too?" I said confused

" We heard you Lu." Mari said seriously.

"Heard me do what?" I replied, trying to act casual.

"We heard you crying in there. What's going on. Did you miss your chance on saying goodbye? Teo asked.

That's not just it.

" Teo can you give us a moment please? " Mari said.

"Why? I deserve to know what's going—"

"Teo please." Mari said cutting him off. He gave Mari a glare before he turned and shut the door.

"Now Lu, I know you and I know you're not upset just because he left. What else is going on that we don't know about." I had no other choice but to tell her the truth. Except leaving out the part where me and Rafa had our moment.

After telling her everything, well mostly everything, I quietly sobbed while she hugged me and rubbing my back softly.

Am I going to be living like this?



• "Vocês estão preparados?"/ Are you guys prepared?

• "Por que não Luna vir?" / Why didn't Luna come?

• "Ela me mandou uma mensagem na noite passada e disse que ela não se sentia bem." / She texted me last night and said she did not feel well.

• "Oh isso é muito ruim . Vou deixá- la saber que você disse adeus e enviou um pouco de amor." / Oh that's too bad . I'll let her know that you said goodbye and sent a little love.

• "Não pense que eu não sei nada entre você e luna." | Do not think I do not know nothing between you and luna.

A/n : Last Chapter of this throwback and off to the present . 😂

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