| Cincuenta y nueve. |

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"Have gotten anything for Mila's birthday?" Mariana asked.

"Shit, I forgot it's literally around the corner." I facepalmed.

"Luna it's your child's first birthday!" Mateo exclaims.

"She won't even remember it" I argued.

"But it's nice to look back on." Mama pointed.

"I don't want anything big though it's a lot of work for tomorrow." I sigh.

"Just get her a cake for herself and one for the family. I got the food." Mama suggested.

"I think I'm just going to invite Tia and family I guess." I mumbled.

"And me?" Axel walks in.

"Obviously you dork." I rolled my eyes as he pecked my cheek.

"Thiago knows." I blurted out.

"What?" Mateo tilted his head.

"How?" Mariana shut her laptop.

"He just flew here out of nowhere and when I went to get Mila from Valeria's he was there." I stare off.

"Did you guys know he was married?" I looked at them as they were quiet.

"Nice." I muttered as I got up.

"I spoke to his wife too awhile back. I was trying to call him and talk to him but she happened to answer. She's nice. Even decided to surprise the both of us and flew here so we can break that wall that he and I built for the last 5 years. Had the audacity to assume Mila was his." I left the room leaving everyone speechless.

"Hello?" Thaisa answered.

"Hey Thai, how are you?" I asked.

"I've been alright. Busy with school and sports. You?"

"I'm doing good." I sigh.

"How's Mila?" She asks.

"Healthy and happy as ever. Thiago knows." I play with my ring.

"I know. He barged into my room last night interrogating me saying how could I betray my brother like that." I assume she is referring to Rafael.

"He thought it was his." I sigh.

"Of course."

"Well.. I just wanted to let you and your parents know that I will have a small gathering for Mila's birthday. Nothing too crazy and it's going to be early, around noon if you guys would like to come." I say.

"I'm not sure but I will let you know tomorrow yeah?"

"Yeah for sure." I nodded.

"Alright, I have to go. Goodnight." She says.

I start to think about how much I'm tearing their family apart. I realized when they became distant from us a few months after Mila was born. Tio Iomar was the only one who would stop by and see how we are and the baby. I appreciate his efforts at least. I was hurt and felt horrible and gave them a reason why they would feel that way but after learning that Thiago was married made me feel that I had a right to keep things away as they did to me.


I'm finally back home for my birthday and I grew eager when I found out Thi was also home. This would be the first time we are all together as a family at home in a long time since I can remember. Lilah being here with me made it even better. I knock on the door to our home waiting impatiently until the door opened to reveal Thaisa.

"Mi querida hermanita!" I smiled as she jumped into my arms.

"Rafacito!!" She cried.

"Rafael?" Mae came down the stairs.
"Mae!" I rushed over to give her the biggest hug while Thaisa hugged Lilah.

Camila | Rafinha Alcántara (ON A HEIST)Where stories live. Discover now