| Veinticinco.|

418 12 12

| Luna's Pov |

Fabian seems really cool. I feel we would become great friends. I still have that little piece of paper he gave me and made sure to save it. Anyways it's about 6 pm here in the airport of Barcelona.. I called Vale to pick me up so as of right now, I am currently sitting alone, extremely paranoid that I might see him.. 

I started thinking about scenarios and possibilities that might happen while i'm staying here. All of a sudden i see a huge crowd of people yelling different names and cameras flashing, children running with jerseys. My heart instantly stopped. I felt my body trembling, my heart racing, chest feeling tighter, so many emotions yet I couldn't think what to do. All I thought of was the fact that could possibly be the father of my child in that crowd. I ran as fast as I can and hid behind this shelf of books in a little store in the airport. I saw one player and many more following behind. No signs of anyone that I know. Eventually I saw their team logo and thanks to the lord it wasn't who i think it was. A huge wave of relief hit me.

"LUNAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" I heard a scream. I turn around to see who it was and before i got the chance to even say a word, i was attacked by a huge hug from Vale.

"AWWWWW I MISSED YOU!!!!" She squealed.

"You literally just saw me a few weeks ago..." I laughed.

"Few days, hours, seconds.. etc is a lot. Appreciate that someone actually misses you!" She said as she playfully punched me.

"Yeah yeah. Now help me with my things you peasant!" I said and off we left the airport.

We got to the car and loaded all my things even though it really wasn't much. The car ride was surprisingly fun, mostly consisted of screaming and singing to music, making people give us dirty looks. We finally got to Vale's house. i checked my phone and it was about 7 pm & i was tired as hell.

"Are you hungry?" Vale asked.

"Is that even a question?!" I said, making her laugh.

"I have some leftovers from earlier today. In the fridge there's some pizza, fries & some ice cream too." She said as she put her jacket in the closet.

"Are you trying to get me fat?" I gasped sarcastically.

"Shut the hell up, you're pregnant. You gonna be fat so might as well take advantage that you have an excuse to eat all you want." She laughed. I rolled my eyes.

I ate my food in silence while Vale was on her phone and watching tv. I started thinking that the fact that i'm in the same city as him, meaning i could see him at any time or i could've seen him already or he could've seen me is just crazy. I know i said that so many times but i don't know if i still have something for him ya feel? i dont know.

I grabbed my dish and washed it. I checked the time and it was already 9:30. I decided to go up stairs and settle in for god knows how many days. I feel bad that vale has to put up with me and i wanna make it up to her.

"I'm gonna start settling up stairs and go to sleep." I announced.

"Okay, guest room is upstairs, 2nd door on your right." She replied.

"Thanks Vale, Im sorry for the last minute notice." I said.

"Bitch don't worry, you know i gotchu. Familia is everything." She smiled.

"Isn't that from Fast & Furious dork?" I laughed.

"Shut up, and Its "Salute Mi Familia" jack ass." She rolled her eyes.

"Goodnight" I laughed and walked up stairs. I dropped all my shit on the ground and started fixing things but all of a sudden i felt my stomach twist. This can't be good. I ran across the halls and to the bathroom to dump all my "dinner" goddamit. The pizza was hella good.

I washed up and went back to my room and turned off my lights and curled into my bed which was comfortable as hell. My tiredness went away so i decided to go on my phone but then i remember i had no social media. But i had a friend that i can text. I hopped out of my bed and looked for my pants that i wore and in the pocket was a piece of paper. I typed in the phone number and started typing. I hesitated at first since he was probably with his girlfriend and i didn't wanna have her get the wrong idea. I waited for a few minutes. Fuck it lets do it.

"Fabian" I typed. I started having a little anxiety attack but it's weird because it's not like i have a thing cause 1.) Im gonna be a mom 2.) he has a girlfriend 3.) im still hung onto Rafa 4.) This could've been a fake number. I waited for a few more minutes.

I got a text and i almost had a heart attack. I checked my screen and it was only Vale.

V : Idk if ur sleeping but i'm gonna go to the store to by this week's groceries and stock up. Any requests?

L : Surprise me.

I put my phone down cause i was dead ass tired. All of a sudden i got a call and i groaned. I swiped the answer button with out checking the caller id.


"Hello to you too.." A deep voice answered. fuck.

"Um who's this?" I asked.

"Fabi." He laughed nervously.

"Oh shit i am so sorry, I thought you were my friend oh my god." I face palmed myself.

"It's cool, bad timing?" He asked

"No, no no, Im wide awake." I said

"Okay good, well how are yo—" He tried to say before he got cut off.

"Shit hold up my girlfriend is calling gimme a few." He said then hung up. I sighed. I decided to watch some netflix then. I heard a lot about Stranger Things so i decided to watch it.

I was on episode 3 and holy shit it's sooo gooddd. I checked the time and it was 11. And no calls/texts from Fabian. Damn. I unlocked my phone and texted him. I didn't care at this point if i was bothering him or not.

L : You alive ?

I was watching more of the show and 5 minutes passed and nothing. I opened up the conversation and I saw

Read 11:10 PM.

Little fucker.

L : "Left on read" game a little too strong boi. Night.

I turned off the tv and laid back, staring at the ceiling.

Facetime Call : Fabi 🤑✈️💤

What the hell? I'm confused. I hesitated to answer but fuck it. I accepted it. The screen switched to a face of a very pretty boy.. With puffy and bloodshot eyes..

"Oh shit you okay?" I asked

"Im sorry Lu." He sniffed.

"What? For why? You didn't do anything." I said.

"Not answering and took a long time. And well also seeing me like this. I swear i'm not like this but um.." He said and there was a long pause.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "I mean if you don't wanna talk about it, that's okay." I continued.

"Do you mind meeting up somewhere?" He asked.

"Fabi it's like 12 am and my friend isn't home and like yeah... i'm not sure." I said.

I thought of something stupid but i mean he needs someone.

"Why don't you give me your hotel address and i'll go over." I said. I'll get in trouble but oh well...

A/n : Another update lmao ima write another chapter and hopefully post today so double update. Anyone miss Raf? Cuz I sure do 😂. Crappy chapter but i was trying to hurry so y'all have something to read. Anyways What y'all think of Fabian 😏

- Izzzaazyy 🎃

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