| Cincuenta y cinco. |

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"February 20th, 2011.

I haven't written since Christmas since I thought I lost you. I lived months fearing someone found you. Anyway, a lot has happened since then and you missed out on it. It's already been about 2 years that i've been in love with Luna and I just get hurt more and more. I know I sound like a dramatic 14 year old but I really love Luna. At least I think I am in love, in love. But you know it's no secret that Thi was in love with her as well and he is now living his best life with her. He always made sure that it wasn't true and it was something everyone wanted, besides me obviously. About 3 weeks ago, we all went to Mexico to celebrate Luna's quinceanera which we were all excited for. I will never forget the times she would make us watch videos of people dancing the waltz and told us we had to be perfect and better than the kids in the video. I helped her pick out her color of her dress because she didn't know anything that was girlie related as if I knew any more. I always got excited when she would come to me and asked for my opinions as if it mattered. I got so happy when she asked me if I wanted to sit next to her on the plane ride over there, that I walked home jumping in excitement and feeling accomplished like I did when I won my first game, except this was better than the tournament.
Unfortunately, it barely lasted the second we got there. Thiago was upset at me for sitting next to her. Although, he didn't exactly say that but I know it was for that reason and he ignored me that whole entire week when I just simply sat next to her. But all the fun lasted until we arrived and she was always with Thiago. He was one lucky guy to be her main one.
The day of her quinceanera, man she looked beautiful. I was proud for suggesting that one pastel color that suited her just perfect.  Despite her attitude she had all night because she was so tired, she was stunning. I slow danced with her to one of her favorite songs. Growing up she always listened to that one song but I had forgotten the name already but I know it was from Kalimba. I felt like the happiest guy in the world for those 4 minutes but sadly had to end soon. After that I never got to see her for the rest of the night.. All I know is that she was with Thiago for sure.. And she hasn't been the same since.. See you soon." I read. I flipped the page to see another entry.

"I got into another fight with Thiago. I don't know what went up his ass since we got home but every little thing that I do pisses him off and picks up fights and I get defensive. Today we were cleaning his room because he leaves soon for his first international loan and my parents decided to have my avo stay in his room when he leaves. I found a little valentines card in Thiago's closest. I open it to see a photo of Luna and I and it was for me. I never seen it before. I asked him why it was in his closet and he shrugged his shoulders. We made a promise to never go through another's stuff and that was a rule he broke. I looked at the date to see that it was 4 years ago. I asked him if he took it before I got it and he said no. I repeatedly asked him again why it was in his closet and he started to shout. I asked him why he's been an asshole lately and he told me not to worry about it but I did because it was something of mine. He flipped out and ripped the card in half. I got so upset, I tackled him and fought. My parents obviously took his side since after all it's always Thiago and Luna..
I'm currently in our local field that is around the corner from Lu's house and mine. I hesitated whether or not to go but I'm sure it would be the worst decision. I just don't understa-" I stopped to see the end of the entry. I was confused to see the word but off mid sentence until I turned to the back page.
"Update, Tio Alec found me sitting alone and asked why I wasn't home at this hour. At first I was trying to come up with a lie but I knew if I did, he would probably just take me back home. I decided to tell him the truth and told him everything I felt, knowing he wouldn't understand. But surprisingly his reaction said so otherwise. He told me that he is aware everyone likes the idea of his daughter being with a boy like Thiago but he didn't agree. He said I wasn't a bad one myself and if I really love her, I would go through thick and thin to get her. He told me it takes time for her to realise and that I should take good care otherwise I am dead meat. That gave me somewhat hope. See you soon." I read outloud. I started to chuckle until I realized this was 4 years ago. Suddenly I felt a tear run down my cheek as I sniffed.

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