| Trece. |

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( Mariana's Pov )

This can't be true. I know she's pregnant. I'm pretty angry still but I'm confused as well because the tests says she's not pregnant but I know she is. This isn't right. I gotta make an appointment for her but she'll probably freak out and say it's not necessary. I did what my gut told me to do. Whether she likes it or not. Before I left my parent's house, I got Luna's doctor's card and all the information from my moms desk and went home. Who said they'll know?

Not gonna lie though I'm not the best at impressions butttttt, I've been playing impressions with Teo and he said I sound just like mom so that's a blessing regarding this situation. Problem is, I'm a little rusty on my Portuguese. My mom wanted us to be raised speaking Spanish but my father wanted Portuguese since we lived here in Brazil so we had to speak both plus English. and it was difficult. Anyways, I dialed in the phone number of Luna's doctor and waited patiently while my phone was ringing. I was scared shitless. All of a sudden I heard a woman's voice.

"Ola, Este é o escritório do Dr. Munoz como posso ajudá-lo ?" She said.

" Olá, eu só queria fazer uma nomeação para minha filha, Luna Marie Alvarez - Santos." I replied with the best impersonation of my mother.

"é este Alvarez, Alejandra ? "

Fuck. Did she not buy it?

"sim." I almost stuttered.

"o que é esta nomeação para?" she said.

" ela não foi sentindo bem e ela tem sintomas semelhantes a uma gravidez e eu quero verificar." I managed to say.

"Ok, o seu compromisso está agendado amanhã às 1." She said.

"muito obrigado señora. Tchau." I said and hung up immediately.

Now I have to some how get her to go... I have a plan. Now I just want to hear the other side of this situation. I had nothing else to do besides this. I grabbed my laptop and quickly logged on to skype. I went through my contacts and found him.
'Rafa mi hermanito 😂🙈'
I clicked video call and waited patiently.

| Rafa's Pov |

I went upstairs to hop into the shower but before I grabbed my things, I received a skype call.

'Shit I hope it's not Lu. Nows not a good time.'

I ran to my laptop that was sitting on my bed and looked at the screen.

'Mariana Alvarez is calling."

Why the hell would she call me? We haven't spoken since I left. Is Lu okay? I started panicking, I didn't know what to do. I answered it quickly without thinking. Crap. All of a sudden I see Mari's face without make up. She doesn't look bad. Not meaning it in a flirty way.

"Okay first of all, put on a goddamn shirt, this ain't no porno! Second, don't start shit about my bare face or Ima come to Barcelona and kick your balls like I did when you were 10." She said.

"It's not the first time you guys have seen me shirtless! And Cálmate, I wasn't even gonna say anything bad. and don't ever mention that, ever again! It was your fault for not being good at shooting the damn ball. I cried for a week!" I said cracking up.

"Aye I'm good at football, you're just saying that cause you made it to the pros! Remember, your father taught me and my siblings before you even existed. If only you were old enough to see me beat Thiago one time to the point he cried."

Camila | Rafinha Alcántara (ON A HEIST)Where stories live. Discover now