| Veintinueve. |

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Luna's Pov

After I nearly died, I walked up to a decent looking building. I opened mine and Fabian's messages to find the room number. I walked in and went to the elevator and saw a sign that it was closed for repairing so the only way was to take the goddamn stairs.. I am gonna be honest here and admit that I am NOT the most fittest person in the world so I am going to die. I took a deep breath and started running up the 5 flights of stairs. On the 3rd flight I was going to pass out.

'Cmon, Lu you got this. You could lose a few since you will be fat and gross pretty soon.' I said to myself.

I started running up the stairs so fast like when you turn off the lights behind you and you run away to your room so fast because you feel like some serial killer is behind you.. Yep that was me.

I finally got to the level where he was staying at and found his room. I took a deep breaths and took off my beanie to wipe off my sweat. I knocked on the door and no answer. I knocked again a little harder and nothing.

"Fabian, it's Lu." I knocked again.

I sighed and tried to open the door and it was unlocked. Wow. I walked in and the whole place was dark. All of a sudden I heard a woman moan. What the hell? I turned on the lamp to see a couple going at it.

Oh shit. That is certainly not Fabian.

I screamed and ran out and shut the door. I ran all the way to the end of the hall and I stopped to take a breath. I dialed Fabian.

"Hey what is your room number?"  I asked.

"654. Why?" He replied. I widen my eyes.

"Just forgot, on my way" I nervously chuckled.

I walked back to the room where I accidentally walked in and say the numbers "645" and checked my phone again to see what he sent and it was "654". I guess I am dyslexic.

I walked down the hall and made a turn to see his room and read the number like 10 times to make sure it is the right one. I knocked and nothing. I knocked again and within .5 seconds I hear loud footsteps running and open the door to see a shirtless Fabian. Wow. He is a pretty sight.

"Hey, come in." He smiled, showing his perfect smile. I walked in and sat on this little comfy couch.

"You hungry? Thirsty?" He asked while making some cereal. "Water is good." I replied.

He walks back to the living room and I couldn't help but stare at his hardcore abs.

"Like what you see?" He smirked.

"Sure do." I smirked back, jokingly.

"Thanks." I chuckled as he handed me a glass of water.

"Do you want me to turn on the heater?" He asked.

"Oh no please I just ran up those 5 flights of stairs, walked in in the wrong room and saw a 40 year old man going at it and ran again with this 10 pound coat. But unless you're cold, you can turn it on though that is fine too."

"WHAT?? You walked in a couple going at it?" He bursted out laughing. "Yes! I thought it was you, I was like well he should've told me to come by another time and not surprise me but gosh, it was so embarrassing."

"Only that would happen to you" He laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, how are you feeling? What happened?" I asked.

He cleared his throat and I saw he clenched his jaw and took a while before he began talking. "Well uh, obviously you know Nayeli. Well she was suppose to pick me up from the airport but she was an hour late so I ended up calling my buddy that lives here and got picked up. And I had him take me to her place and well I called and texted her I was on my way and she never responded. Once I got there I knocked, rang the bell and everything and nothing. So I thought of those people in the shows where they hide their keys in a plant or under a mat and she did have one so I got inside and it was quiet. I heard noises upstairs and I thought it was a robber cuz you know she was dumb to leave the damn key in the easiest spot ever. I went upstairs, ready to kick their ass but instead of that, I saw her you know going for it with some dude and I didn't even need an explanation. It was perfectly clear what had happened. I was angry and hurt but I was never the type to kick someone's ass or punch walls and shit so I took an uber and came here and well I was being a pussy and cried all day until you texted and I felt a little better. She called when we were facetiming so that's why I hung up and she tried explaining but I didn't make her cause I knew. She made bullshit excuses and I didn't believe her and so she got crazy and accused ME of cheating. So I blocked her on everything cause I don't want to be reminded that I spent about $900+ just to see her fucking some asshole." 

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