| Nueve. |

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~ The next day ~

July 6, 2014

| Rafa's Pov |

I was awaken by the birds chirping loudly and the light from the sun, hitting our direction. I turn and next to me, I see a sleeping Luna. She looked peaceful and well, beautiful. I start thinking about last night's events. It was pure bliss. Best nights of my life. I admit I've hooked up with many girls from the age of 15 but she was something different. And I love that. 'Stop Raf, Gabriela is literally next door and could be looking for you. Holy shit I completely forgot about her. I need to go now. I try to slowly get up without any noise. Then I remembered she's a very heavy sleeper. After I left her room, I blasted out the door and to my house before anyone woke up.


• Luna's Pov •

I was woken up with cars honking. No surprise. I started thinking about last night. So much happened. It's like I forgot reality for a while and just focused on us. I smiled at my thoughts. I check my phone and it was 11:45 am. Damn. I turned and expected a sleeping Rafa with his hair all fluffed and messy. Nope. He's not there. Damn. Either he left for a good reason or he freaked out and ran away. I chose to believe the second possibility.

I got up and took a shower and got dressed. I'm suppose to go to breakfast with my family and I'm excited. My family means the world to me.
When we got to a local diner to eat breakfast, we were greeted by the Alcantara family .... and Gabriela. That's just amazing am I right? Having to sit through a breakfast with someone I literally had sex with last night plus his girlfriend. I've honestly never felt so uncomfortable. We were ready to order when tia Valeria asked all of us what we were going to order. I was for sure gonna order me some pancakes, eggs and bacon. All of a sudden a hear a comment coming from her mouth.

"Isn't that a little too much for you Luna?" she said with a little squeaky voice of hers.

"Who are you to say such a thing?" I fakely gasped, obviously being sarcastic.

"I was just saying because I mean you gotta watch that figure right?" She said trynna act innocent.

"Gabriela. That's enough." Valeria warned.

"It's okay tia, she should worry about her own since she is an adult after all. Good choice of women Rafa." I smirked and drank my ice tea. I was left with everyone's mouth hanging except Gabriela. I know I shouldn't have said that but honestly if he wants to do whatever he's doing, go for it.

"LUNA." Mateo and Mari both shouted.

"Eso es suficiente de ti." My mom said sternly while my father looked at me in disbelief. Rafa looked annoyed. His girl shouldn't have said anything in the first place. The rest of the breakfast was awkward and just filled with talks from my aunt and uncle and my parents.


Later that day

It was around 8 pm and my parents went out to buy some groceries so i was home alone basically. Today was kind of Rafa's last whole day here in Brazil. He's leaving first thing tomorrow morning. And i know as of right now, we ended off on a bad note. But Gabriela is the problem. I'm not just pissed of her bad personality, I'm also hurt that literally the day after me and Raf had that incident, he acts so brand new and didn't calm his girl after the way she talked to me. I've been trying pretty hard to respect her though it may not seem like it, but i try. And for him not to do anything irks me. Like he acts different i guess when it's all of us. Yet every chance he has with just us 2 being alone, i guess he takes advantage. Make up your goddamn mind Rafael.

My thoughts were interrupted with loud bangs on the door. What the hell? Teo and Mari have keys and if a robber wants to break in, they usually don't bang on doors. I run to the door and peeked through the peephole to see who it is. 'Of course it's the man himself. Raf.' I thought. I opened the door and he immediately just walks pass me.

" Come in." I said sarcastically.

" Enough with your sarcasm Luna. What the hell was that about, this morning? Literally insult me when I didn't even do shit." He said all pissed.

" You didn't. But your little girlfriend did. And before you go off about how I shouldn't have done that and make her the victim, why didn't you do anything when she basically insulted me first? You stood there just watching, all quiet, not even warning her to quit. Your mother had to warn her for you and you're 17 fucking years old Rafael. You act all brand new legit the day after the thing that happened last night." I shot back.

" First of all stop fucking calling me Rafael, you never ever call me that before. Second, I wasn't part of your guy's conversation. You could've stood quiet and nothing would've happened. Let her be, she's already upset how her days have been. I love her and you should respect her. And last night, I was just confused."

Are you fucking serious right now....

"Are you kidding me? Do you hear yourself right now? You know what Rafael, which is your fucking birth name, you can say you weren't part of it but after all she is your girlfriend, she has everything to do with you. Therefore, you were apart of it but you decided to be dumbass or just a confused little teen who can't decided what the fuck they want. And don't blame us just cause she didn't even hang out with your family or even have interest in us. And well you may be confused but guess what? Last night meant absolutely nothing to me."

| Rafa's Pov |

" And well you may be confused but guess what? Last night meant absolutely nothing to me." Wow. That hurt. Every word I said, I didn't mean. You may ask, "Well why the hell would you say it then" Honestly, Im trying to prove I can live without being with her. I can find someone. Its time to prove everyone I knew, wrong. And what I'm about to say, I will regret.


• Luna's Pov •

That's it. It's over. 17 years worth of a friendship, and this ends like this. What even is this. He comes back to a party I've planned just for him and he comes in with a girl who already showed a bad attitude. Even my tia thinks she isn't a positive person and not right for her son. I had no say in it but i agree. But anyways he shows up with this girl and he sleeps with me that same night and the day after he acts differently than how he did yesterday. What the actual fuck. My feelings are legit. But I don't know if his is. I bet he doesn't even know.

I spent most of my night just crying. It's dumb and I know I shouldn't but I regret what I said but he just made me so angry and hurt like I never seen him that way and it really hurt me. My main question is, why .


Translation : "Eso es suficiente de ti." \ "That's enough of you."

A/n : I apologize if any errors. I really hope you enjoy. Almost towards the end of the 1 week flashback. And back to the present which of course was the week after if that makes sense lol.

- Izzzaaaayy

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