| Sesenta y tres. |

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"Let's go out!" Mariana whines.

"Mari I can't." I put a shirt on.

"Lu this is our last night here" She frowns.

"Ma can you watch Camila!" She shouts to the other room.

"I can!" Tia Valeria answers as Mari looks back at me with a smirk.

"Get ready" She smiles. I rolled my eyes as I took my shirt off again.

"You better have rented a spot out and free drinks if you're trying to get me loose." I yelled over the music.

"Oh your sister is ahead of the game." Mari smirks as she takes my hand and leads me to the corner of the club. I suddenly see Mateo, Rafael and Thiago. I felt a wave of nerves hitting my body.

"I thought this was girls night" I placed my bag on the booth.

"Just down this." Mari gives me a shot. I roll my eyes as I took it with her which earned a lot of ooo's from the boys.

"I'm late I know!" Thaisa makes her way through the crowd.

"Thaisa!" I jumped in glee and gave her a hug.

"I'm so glad you're here" I said in her ear which she gave a sympathetic look. As we sat down, a blonde woman with an extremely tight and short dress approached the boys along with her friend. As they exchanged a few words, I see Mateo shaking his head, declining.

"Cmon hermano! Go!" I waved my hand in signal to get up.

"He needs a shot" I told Mari.

"He doesn't want any!" She exclaimed as I furrowed my eye brow and looked back to see the blondie taking Rafael's hand as the brunette took Thiago's.

"I hope they don't do anything stupid." Thaisa mutters. Suddenly Mateo excuses himself and walks out. I looked at Mari in confusion as she shrugged her shoulders and got up to follow him. Suddenly I see one of the bimbos kissing Thiago and I shook my head as I took a picture in secret. Julia does not deserve this.


"Teo!" I heard my sister call me.

"Mateo!" She continues. I stopped and turned around.

"What's wrong?" Mari asks.

"Nothing, this just isn't my scene." I said.

"How is it not? You love to party." Mari said.

"Not anymore." I sigh.

"Is it about what happened back then?" She mentions the incident that I will regret forever. I stood there in silence.

"Mateo I am a 22 year old woman, there's nothing to worry about." She reassures.

"I'm just feeling tired tonight." I say.

"I promise." I placed my hands on her shoulders and told her to return back. I go back on my phone to my friend, Jacob and I's conversation.

I just saw this. I am sorry bro..

I read after I see a photo attached showing a recent photo of Paula with an engagement ring. After our breakup, she blocked me from everything and permanently and I haven't heard from her since. It's been over 8 years and a part of me is still in love with her.

It's fine. As long as he treats her well.

I responded as I stuffed my phone into my pocket and walked down the beach.


Rafael decided to get shit faced which meant Mari and I had to help his dumbass walk all the way back to our place. The trip was exhausting but luckily he was clueless. Oh and Thiago decided to join but I made sure Mari made the small talk.

Camila | Rafinha Alcántara (ON A HEIST)Where stories live. Discover now