#6 ◇ jungkook

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Angst | Fluff | Reactions | Others

Words: 858

Summary: Attending a party you dislike with Jungkook

"Babe, are you okay if we go to a party?" Jungkook asked.

You were never fond of parties. Mainly because there are disgusting people there. You kept quiet for a while.

"What for?" you asked, "you know I hate parties,"

"My friend invited me, I'll be bored if you're not there,"

You sighed, "okay, but can we not stay for too long?"

"Of course,"

Jungkook gave you kisses all over your face, making you giggle. You both changed, you changed to a hoodie and skinny jeans. You honestly didn't care what you wear since you wont be participating.

"Let's go- wait, you're wearing that," Jungkook asked, pointing to your outfit.

You frown, "is there something wrong?"

"No, but like- you know, you are going to a party,"

"I'm not going to be dressed up for anyone," you said, "I like my outfit and I don't care about anyone's opinion, including yours," you snapped.

You walked past him and get into the car. Crossing your arms while waiting for him. What was his problem? It was your fashion, not his.

The driver's door opened and Jungkook entered. You ignored him while he drove.

"Baby..." he started, "i'm sorry, you know you look beautiful in anything,"

You sighed, "hm,"

"I'm sorry. You know my friends would just think lowly of me," he said.

You stared at him shocked, "excuse me?"


"You're embarrassed of me?" you asked, "seriously?"


You groaned, "honestly, whatever. I just want to get done with this."

Jungkook tried to talk to you but all you did was ignored him. You didn't have time for his bullshit.

You left the car, slamming the car door at the process. You stomped over to your boyfriend's side, waiting for him.

You wanted to enter the house first, but by the looks of drunk people walking around like zombies and music blasting, you wanted to be with your boyfriend.

When he came out, you wrapped your hands around his arm, as if you didn't argue just a few moments ago.

Jungkook didn't had to knock the door, the music was loud anyways, who could hear? He opened the door and you both entered the packed house.

You held Jungkook's arm tighter, afraid of getting lost, "don't let me go," you tell him.

Jungkook simply nodded and proceeded with finding his friends. He found them on the dance floor, dancing with girls.

You didn't have a good feeling about this. You sighed and stayed at one side, telling Jungkook that he could go have fun. He immediately nodded and started dancing to the beat.

A few girls came to him and started dancing and grinding on him but he never paid attention towards them. That was until one beautiful girl, with a crop top and denim shorts came to him and started talking.

You eyed the both of them. Jungkook nodded while smiling and held her hand and pulled her towards the kitchen. To ease your jealousy, you started playing with your phone.

It had been an hour and Jungkook was still having fun. During the one hour, a few boys tried talking to you but you would awkwardly said no, sometimes you saw Jungkook glaring at the boys but he never came to you.

You sighed and sauntered towards Jungkook. "Can we go, now?"

Jungkook looked down at you, "it's been an hour, relax babe, another hour,"

You sighed and walked away, sitting on a vacant chair. You wanted to burst out crying because you hated this place so much.

You couldn't stand seeing people making out at every corner so you simply walked outside and waited in the car. Playing some music, not realising you were falling asleep.

Your phone rang, making you wake up from your nap. You answered it, "baby? where are you?"


"Yes it's me, where are you?"

"You're done partying?" you asked, "i'm in the car,"

In a few minutes, you saw Jungkook running towards your car and entered it. "what time is it?" you asked.

"2am," he answered.

"WHAT THE HELL?" you screamed, "WE CAME HERE AT 7PM!"

"I know, i'm sorry," he said, "I was finding you so it took some time," jungkook stated and touched his hair.

You knew he was lying. It was his habit, if he lies to you, he always touches his hair.

"Liar," you said, "you were cheating on me,"

Jungkook looked at you and started driving towards your house. Once you reached, again, you slammed the door and walked up to your room.

Jungkook came in soon after, taking off his shirt, changing to sweatpants and rinsing his face.

You lay on the bed first, turning your back towards him. "Come on"

Jungkook pulled you closer to him. You turned around and he was asleep. He must've been so tired.

You couldn't help but let tears fall down your cheeks. You couldn't believe he actually cheated on you.

You wiped your tears and rested your head on his chest, "I love you,"

A/N: i feel like making a part two, but im not so sure :P

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