#38 ◇ Jimin

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Angst | Fluff | Reactions | Others

Words: 653

Summary: Jimin listening to you talking about your favourite things.


"...and I saw this cute little kitten! Jiminnie! I swear it's the most adorable thing on earth!" You rambled.

You finally reached home from work after a long day. Immediately you took a shower to freshen yourself and quickly took a seat beside Jimin on the bed.

You started talking about how your day went. You had a good day, at least. You saw a cute kitten and your best friend bought a cupcake for you.

"But I thought I was the cutest thing on earth?" Asked Jimin as he pulled you closer by your waist.

"Well... both of you are. And guess what?!" You exclaimed.

"What?" Questioned Jimin with a big smile on his face.

Just being see you all happy and excited made Jimin all fuzzy inside. Your eyes would glisten and you would always use your hands to describe things.

Jimin didn't even hear what you were saying, he was just staring at your beautiful face.

"Babe? Are you listening?" You pouted, dropping your hands.

Jimin snapped out of his thoughts. "Aigo, you're so cute. Of course I am, go on!"

A big smile replaced your pouty lips as you continued telling him your day. "Oh! I have a photo of it too! Look!"

You grabbed your mobile that was placed on the table. You typed in your passcode (the date you and Jimin became official) and searched for the photo you wanted to show him.

"See, it's so cute!" You showed Jimin as you scrolled through it.

You didn't realise that it was the last photo and scroll some more, exposing a photo that you took of yourself earlier at work.

It was a photo of you with a cat filter. You recently downloaded it just to give it a try.

You gasped in embarrassment, immediately snatching your phone away from Jimin's grip but you were too slow. Jimin stood up, raising his hands up.

"Babe! Give it back!" You whined, trying to reach your phone.

It was no use because Jimin was taller than you and had 0% chance to get it from him.

"What was that?? A selfie? I wanna see it," teased Jimin.

"No! You can't see it," you frowned up at him. "It's really ugly,"

"Nah, I doubt so, you always manage to look beautiful without even trying," Joked Jimin. "Come on, let me see it please,"

You sighed in defeat. "Fine,"

Jimin wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled the both of you on the bed. You immediately covered your face, you didn't dare to see Jimin's reaction.

"Aigo! You're so cute," you heard Jimin say.

You lifted your head up after a few minutes and noticed Jimin was now holding his phone. He was trying to put your photo on his lockscreen.

"How did I get so lucky?" Jimin mumbled, stroking the screen.

"I'm tired," you sighed.

"Aw, my poor princess," Jimin cooed, stroking your hair. "Aren't you an angel,"

"No! I'm not an angel or a princess." You said, "Princess are for pretty girls, and they manage to get every boy's heart,"

"Well, you are pretty, and you managed to steal my heart. Doesn't that make you a princess?" Said Jimin, pulling your body closer to his.

"My mouth is too sore to argue with you," you whined cutely.

Jimin smirked, looking down at you. Your eyes were close and your hands was on his chest. "Need me to fix that?"


Jimin pulled you to his lap. Immediately he pressed his lips on yours. Your eyes widened, shocked at his sudden movement.

Soon, your face turned red and kissed him back. Pulling away, you immediately hid your face in the crook of your boyfriend's neck. "You're ridiculous," you mumbled in his neck.

"Ridiculously in love with you," replied Jimin, planting a soft kiss on your cheek.

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