#23 ◇ Yoongi

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Angst | Fluff | Reaction | Others

Words: 485

Summary: Seeing your boyfriend after parting for a few months


Hey babe, sorry I couldn't talk to you just now, I was preparing for our come back


Its okay, have you eaten?


Hyung is buying food now. What did you eat for lunch?


Im not eating

Too lazy

What are you eating?


You know

If I was there I would feed you



Im not hungryyyy

By the way, my exam is coming soon T^T


Oh yeahhhh

I heard about that

Good luck babygirl



Thanks T^T

You must be hunbry




Yeah, we're eating now then we're going to practice again




I can't anyways

I have to study



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Well, I have to go now

Mom wants me for dinner

Bye i love you

btw youre cute <3


Im not cute

Bye I love you too ♡♡♡


Long distance relationship wasn't your choice. You weren't fond of it either. Though, you were happy that you will be seeing Yoongi again.

Smiling happily, you fondled with your phone, waiting for your boyfriend to text you.

Then again, you had a lot of time to spare, you decided to buy something for your boyfriend. You spent a few hours, trying to get the perfect gift for Yoongi.

You then found a couple bracelet. Grinning, you picked it up and paying for it. Going back home, you placed the bracelet in a box while you placed the other one on your wrist.


Im already at the airport, a lot of fans are here. I'll be there in an hour or so


Okay, come home quick please

I love you


I'll try

I love you too

About an hour later, there was a knock on the door. You did your happy dance for a few seconds before running towards the door and opening it.

A smile tugged on your lips as you saw Yoongi smiling down at you.


Tip toe-ing, you wrapped one of your arms around his neck while the other around his waist. Meanwhile, Yoongi wrapped his arms around your waist while chuckling.

"Aww, I miss you so much," you said, still holding him. You then couldn't help but burst into tears.

You have been waiting for this day for months and it finally came.

"Jagi? Are you crying?"

You sobbed even louder, "I missed you so much,"

"I miss you too, baby"

Hugging him even closer, he swayed both of you from side to side.

"I've been waiting for this day to happen," said Yoongi, "holding you in my arms, ahh, this feels good,"

"I was so lonely without you," you mumbled, "I can't do couple things with you, all I had to do was wait for you to come home,"

"Mianhae (Sorry), Jagiya,"

You sighed, "it's okay, it's all about the commitment,"

"I love you so much,"

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