quality time

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(Luke P.O.V.)
I wake up and hear my cell phone ringing.
L: hello?
T: hey uncle Luke, I wanted to call and tell you me and mamaw are on our way back we'll be there in about 30 minutes.
L: alright thanks for the heads up tell mama when y'all get here to come in and she can eat with us before she leaves.
T: alright I'll tell her bye uncle Luke.
L: bye til.
I get up and head downstairs to the kitchen and see kennly already cooking. Good morning kennly. I tell her with a smile. Morning Luke I already made a pot of coffee. She says as she goes back to cooking. do you have enough for two more people? I ask her getting me a cup of coffee. Yes who's joining? She asks grabbing plates out of the cabinet. My nephew and mama. I tell her while I help her start making plates. We hear a knock at the door. I'll get the door. I tell her. Alright I'll go get the boys up and down here. She says going up stairs. I open the door for mama and til. Hello mama. I say to her as I give her a hug. Hello son. so what's this I hear about breakfast you felt like cooking? Mama asked smiling at me. Haha funny actually that's why I wanted you to stay and eat I need to talk to you, let's go the plates are already on the table. I tell them leading them to the dining room where I see kennly and the boys waiting. Mamaw!! The boys say with excitement. hello boys have you been good. Mama asked giving each one a kiss on the head and they shake their heads yes. Mama, til this is kennly. Kennly this is my mama leclaire and my nephew til. I say introduce them. Hello it's nice to meet y'all. Kennly says shaking their hands. hello kennly you can call me leclaire. Mama says taking a seat and we say grace and eat. After we finish eating kennly and til clear the table and me and mama head to the living room. So what do you think about kennly mama? I ask her. She seems like a sweet polite young lady, you found you a good one Luke. She says. Oh no mama we ain't together I hired her to take care of the kids so she'll have them here while I'm gone. I tell her shaking my head. Alright I think that hiring her is going to help all of you, I'm going to get going so I get back to Georgia tonight. She says standing up. Alright I'll see you later mama love you. I say giving her a hug. Bye Luke love you to. She tells me walking out the door and I go to the kitchen.
(Kennly P.O.V.)
after we finished eating me and til cleared the table and took the dishes to the kitchen. I start washing the dishes and til starts to rinse them off and put them away. So are you and my uncle dating? Til asks as he rinses the last few dishes off. Oh no your uncle hired me to take care of you and the boys so I'm the nanny and maid.I tell him. Oh well that's cool I promise I'll try to help out as much as I can. Til says drying his hands. Alright I'll hold you to that. I tell him with a laugh. So I see y'all are getting along OK. Luke says walking into the kitchen. Yes we are. your kids are the best ones I've took care of. I tell him with a smile. Oh you say that now but they get into their fair share of trouble but most of the time til helps keep them in line. He says laughing. Do you mind if I go for a quick run? I ask him. No I can handle the boys for a while. He says with a smile. Alright I'll going to get dressed then I'm heading out. I tell him heading to the stairs. I get dressed and wave bye to the boys as I go out the front door and start my run. I run for about 30 minutes before I turn around and start to head back to the house. On the way back my phone starts ringing and I look and see my cousin Melissa's picture, so I answer.
K: hello
M: hey keke what's up
K: nothing much just finished up my run, what about you Mel.
M: you know same old same old taking care of the kids and my husband who I swear sometimes is a two year old.
K: who's worse the kids or your husband.
M: both but I wouldn't trade it for the world. So has Tegan  told you what she got for me and her.
K: yup tickets and meet & greet passes for Luke Bryan in Lexington here in a few weeks.
M: yes I can't wait. So Taylor said you found you a new job down there in music city.
K: yup I got another Nanny job so now im taking care of three boys.
M: oh wow good luck with that, so when are you going to come see us up here in Kentucky.
K:I don't know probably not for a few weeks probably after my birthday. listen I just got back I'm going to get off here bye Mel love you.
M: bye keke love you to.
I head up the stairs and see Luke sitting out on the porch. Luke I'm going to warn you now when you get to Lexington and someone passes out when they meet you in the meet & greets it will most likely be one of my cousins, that was the second call I've got from them saying they get to meet you in Lexington. I tell him laughing. Alright thanks for telling me now I'll know. He says chuckling. I think my cousin Melissa is most excited about not only because she gets to go to your concert but she also gets away from her husband and kids which are sometimes a handful. I tell him. he laughs. I just find it weird. I mean you are her favorite singer and have been forever and she ended up marrying a guy named Luke. I tell him laughing. So did she really call just to tell you about the concert. He asks. Oh no she asked if it was true that I got a job and when I was going to come up and visit my family up in Kentucky. I tell him pulling my phone out of my pocket. Oh when do you plan on visiting them? I don't know I told her in a few weeks probably after my birthday. I tell him. Oh when is your birthday? He asks with a smirk. July 10th. I tell him. Well now I know any way I was thinking it would be good for you to get to spend more time with the boys, so I was thinking we could all go fishing for a while. he says standing up. Yeah that sounds great, I'll go make sure the boys are ready to go. I'll tell him opening the front door. We get the boys and head to the pond and fish for a couple of hours then we head back to the house. I'm going to give the boys their baths then I'm taking a shower. I tell Luke as we walk in the house. Alright that's fine I'm going to grill some hotdogs and hamburgers for dinner. He says heading to the kitchen. I give the boys their baths and then take a shower and get dressed. I start walking down stairs and almost run into Luke. Hey I was getting ready to tell you to come eat. He says smiling. Alright I'm coming. I tell him. We all eat and I do the dishes. We all sit in the living room and watch a few movies, which bo and tate fell asleep during the movie so we carried them upstairs, then said goodnight to til. I start to head into my room when Luke stops me and gives me a hug goodnight kennly. Goodnight Luke. I tell him and head into my room.

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