Our vacation

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(Luke P.O.V.)
I wake up and reach for kennly but she ain't in bed. I raise up and reach for my phone and see that mom texted me a picture of all three boys. I get up and head to the bathroom and take a shower and brush my teeth then head downstairs and see kennly in the kitchen in her pj's and her hair wet in a bun making breakfast

 I get up and head to the bathroom and take a shower and brush my teeth then head downstairs and see kennly in the kitchen in her pj's and her hair wet in a bun making breakfast

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She finishes cooking and we eat. I take her shopping then we head back to the house and I make lunch then we go down to the water and play around for a while. We head back up to the house and eat dinner and drink some wine. After a while we end up repeating what happened last night a couple of times. Then kennly gets up and takes a shower and I do after her them we go to sleep.
(Kennly p.o.v.)
Our week at the beach was great. It was a well deserved break for us, now we're on our way home and should be there in an hour. Next week is thanksgiving but I'm heading up to Kentucky this weekend because my family decided to have their thanksgiving dinner the weekend before since most of them have more than one to go to. I haven't asked Luke if he wants to come with me, I plan on asking home tonight when we go to bed. We get home and I start a load of laundry and about an hour later the boys get home, we talk to Luke's mama for a little bit then she leaves. We eat dinner and then everyone gets showers and goes to bed. I start to head to my room then Luke grabs my hands and says oh no way you're sleeping with me. he says while pulling me to his room. Luke I need to change. I tell him. Alright I'll get you something. He says going over to his dresser and he grabs one of his t-shirts and throws it to me. I take my shorts and tank top off along with my bra and put his shirt on and climb in his bed. He gets in and lays behind me where my back was against his stomach with his arms wrapped around me. Luke? I ask. Yeah? He says. So this weekend I was wondering if it would be ok with you for me to head up to Kentucky? I ask. I don't care I can watch the boys. He says as he snuggles his head into my neck. OK that's fine, I was going to ask if you wanted to come with me. I tell him as I rub his hand that is on my stomach. If its alright with you that the boys come with us then I'll come. He says and kisses the back of my neck. Sure that's fine with me. I tell him. We fall asleep soon after that.

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