I'm here to help

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(Luke P.O.V.)
I wake up and check my phone, then I see the date this is going to be a hard day. I head downstairs to the kitchen and I see kennly doing dishes. Morning Luke I made you a plate and put it in the microwave. she says with a smile as she starts to put the dishes away. Thanks. I say not even bothering to return her smile. I heat up my food and make me a cup of coffee and head to the table to eat. I finish eating and take my dishes into the kitchen and kennly takes them from me. Thank you, I'm going to head down to the basement and work on some music. I tell her looking down at the floor. Alright I'll come down later to see if you need anything. She says as she starts washing my dishes. I turn and walk down to the basement.
(Kennly P.O.V.)
I finish washing the dishes and head up to my room and sit on my bed and get on my phone and check my notifications. Keke! Keke! Bo says as he runs into my room. Yes bo what's wrong? I ask him. I went downstairs to get a toy and daddy was watching videos and crying. He tells me trying to hold back tears. It's alright buddy your daddy is just having a bad day, now I want you to go play in your room with your brother and cousin OK?I ask him. Yes thanks keke. he says getting off my bed and running out the door. I decide to call jason for advice.
J: hello
K: hey Jason I need your help.
J: alright what's wrong.
K:I was wondering if you could take the boys for the night.
J: of course does this have anything to do with Luke.
K: yes he's depressed today he wasn't happy this morning and then bo came running in my room a little bit of go and said that Luke was downstairs watching videos and crying. I'm gonna try and help him but I know he'll want to drink and if he does I want to make sure he doesn't over do it and I don't think he'll want his kids to see him like that.
J: alright I'm getting ready then I'm heading over there so make sure the boys have their stuff ready.
K: alright thank you Jason I'll see you in a little bit bye.
J: bye.
I head to til's room and knock on the door. Come in. He hollers. Hey I wanted to tell you that you and the boys are going to spend the night with Jason. Do you think you can pack a bag of clothes for y'all while I get the boys ready? I ask him. Yeah I can do that he says getting up and grabbing a backpack. Thanks til. I say as I walk into the hallway. I go help the boys get ready then I grab my phone and head to the living room. about 10 minutes later there's a knock on the door and I open it and let Jason in. Boys Jason is here. I holler up the stairs and the boys come running down. Uncle jason!! Tate says as he gives Jason a hug. Hey buddy you ready to spend the night with me? Jason asks tate. Yup. Tate says. Til can you take them and put them in the truck? Jason asks til handing him the keys. Sure come on boys. Til says heading out the door with bo and tate behind him. Thanks again for watching them I'll come pick them up tomorrow morning. I tell him giving him a hug. You're welcome, that's fine. Call me if you need help tonight. Jason says giving me another hug and then leaving. I watch Jason pull out of the driveway then I shut the door and head down to the basement.
(Luke p.o.v.)
I hear kennly holler at the boys that Jason was here. I just grab another beer and push play and start to cry while I watch my wedding video. Luke? I hear someone say behind me, I turn around and see kennly standing at the bottom of the stairs. Yeah? I ask while I try to keep her from seeing that I'm crying. Luke you don't have to hide that you're crying I don't care you need to cry every once in a while. I want you to know that I'm here if you want to talk. She says patting my shoulder. Thanks. I say as I pause the TV and grab my beer and she sits down on the couch. So why was Jason here. I ask her. Well I knew something was wrong with you this morning cause you wasn't your normal cheery self and then bo came running into my room almost in tears because you was crying so I called Jason and asked him to take the boys for the night because I knew you would want to drink and wouldn't want the boys to see you like that. She says getting up and starting to clean up the empty beer cans. Thank you for that, here leave those for now and sit down because you deserve a explanation for my behavior today. I tell her sitting down beside her on the couch. Luke you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. She says. I know but I want to. I tell her. Alright I'm listening. She says with a smile. Well today is the day I lost My wife to cancer 3 years ago and usually I'm on tour around this time so it don't hit me as hard but this year we ended up being on break and now I'm home so it hit me harder then it usually does. I tell her turning away from her trying to wipe my eyes. Luke? She asks. Yeah. I say still not looking at her. Look at me. She says and I turn too look at her, she pulls me in to a hug. Luke listen it's alright to cry because you miss her everyone understands that , but sometimes you need to talk about it to. She said as she released me from the hug. Thanks kennly I really needed to hear all that. I tell her with a smile. You're welcome anytime, but I think you need to do something to distract you. She said standing up. What are you thinking I could do? I ask her. Well I was thinking it is lunch time so I make some sandwiches for us then we could go out for a run around the farm. She says going up the stairs. That sounds like a plan to me. I tell her as I follow her to the kitchen. we eat then we head upstairs to change into clothes more comfortable for running and we finish getting ready at the same time so we head on out to the porch and start our run. I keep up with her for most of the run but she did get ahead of me a couple times, after about an hour we decide to start back to the house. We get back and head to take showers, I get out and head to the kitchen going through the living room and see kennly freshly showered and asleep on the couch I go to the kitchen and grab a water and head to the living room to sit in my recliner and slowly fall asleep.
(Kennly p.o.v.)
I wake up on the couch and see Luke asleep in the recliner. I check the time and see it's five o'clock so I had to the kitchen and pull out some steaks and taters for dinner. I'm finishing up the taters when Luke walks in. It's almost ready. I tell him as I grab plates and start to make our plates. Alright I can get us some drinks, what do you want to drink? He asks as he walks to the fridge. I'll take some ice water. I tell him as I take the plates to the table and sit down. He brings our drinks then says the blessing and we eat. After we finish eating he offers to do the dishes. So while he does that I check my phone and see a missed call from my aunt and a text from my cousin telling me that she was getting married. I text her back and tell her congrats then put my phone away as Luke comes back in the dining room. So it's almost 9 o'clock do you want to watch a movie? He asks. Sure but you pick. I tell him getting up and going in the living room. He follows and we sit down on the couch, he picks american sniper. We watch the movie then decide to head to bed. We walk upstairs and I go to my room and change for bed and get in bed, then Luke knocks on my door. Come in. I say as I sit up. He comes in and sits down on the end of the bed. Kennly I just wanted to say thank you again for all you've done for me today it's really helped me more than you know. He says leaning over to give me a hug and I hug him back. Luke you don't have to thank me I'm glad I could help you. You may be my boss but if I can help you with things like today I'm glad I can. I tell him. All of a sudden he leans in and kisses me and I'm caught by surprise but then I kiss him back. He pulls away goodnight kennly! He says as he kisses my forehead and heads to the door. Goodnight Luke! I call as he shuts the door. I lay down thinking about everything that's happened today and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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