family dinner

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(Kennly p.o.v.)
I woke up early to help mama get everything finished and to make breakfast. By time we had breakfast was done the only ones up was me, mama, and tate. I went and woke up til and bo and sent them to the kitchen to get their plates from my mom while I woke luke up. I got him up and we went and eat then I did the dishes and worked on getting everything done while mom went to the store. I was checking the turkey when Luke come in. Do you need help? He asked. Yes! You can get the turkey out of the oven. I tell him. Alright. He says and grabs a couple of dish towels. While he was doing that I grabbed a pan and put the rolls on it and buttered them then put it in the oven. Thanks! If you plan on changing out of those shorts I'd do it soon since the family is going to start showing up in an hour. I tell him. Alright I'm going to get changed and make sure the boys do to. I'll be back. He says and walks out. I get the rolls out and everything is done so I go to our room and change my shirt.

I go back to the living room and play with the boys for a little bit then mama got home so I went out to help her and til also helped us and we got everything put up and my cousin bryanna showed up

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I go back to the living room and play with the boys for a little bit then mama got home so I went out to help her and til also helped us and we got everything put up and my cousin bryanna showed up. Hey bry! I say giving her a hug. Hey keke! She says and gives me a hug then goes to the kitchen and we talk for a little bit until I hear Luke coming up the hallway. Hey I'm got to go get something from the truck. He says. Alright we'll be here. I tell him. Thanks for the introduction. Bry says and hits my arm. I'll introduce you to him in a little bit. My uncles and aunts  show up along with my siblings and cousins. We all eat and we are talking to each other. Stephanie and bryanna this is Luke, Luke this is my cousin bryanna and my uncle Shawn's girlfriend Stephanie. I tell him. Nice to meet y'all. He says as he shakes their hands. We all sit around and talk for a while then everybody starts to leave after they leave we watch a movie in the living room. Then we all go to bed.

A.N. merry Christmas y'all!!🎅🎅

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